Admiralty University Post UTME & DE Admission Form 2024

Application is hereby invited into various degree programmes of Admiralty University of Nigeria (ADUN), Delta State, for the 2023/2024 Academic Session.

Available Courses

  • B. Sc. Industrial Chemistry
  • B. Sc. Petroleum Chemistry
  • B. Sc. Information Systems
  • B. Sc. Information Technology
  • B. Sc. Industrial Physics
  • B.Sc. Biology
  • B.Sc.Chemistry
  • B.Sc. Forensic Science
  • B.Sc. Industrial Maths
  • B.Sc. Physics
  • B.Sc. Computer Science
  • B.Sc. Software Engineering
  • B.Sc. Cyber Security
  • Faculty of Engineering and Technology
  • B. Eng. Automotive Engineering
  • B. Eng. Computer Engineering
  • B. Eng. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering
  • B. Eng. Naval Architecture and Ship Construction
  • B. Eng. Petroleum and Gas Engineering
  • B. Eng. Welding Engineering
  • Faculty of Law
  • LL. B.
  • Concentrations
  • Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
  • Private and Business Law
  • Property Law
  • Public and Constitutional Law
  • Faculty of Maritime Studies
  • B. Sc. Nautical Science
  • B. Sc. Navigation Technology
  • B. Sc. Port Management
  • Faculty of Entrepreneurship

Admission Requirements

Admission into the Admiralty University of Nigeria is open to candidates with the requisite qualifications and subject to written and/or oral examination as the University may determine. Admission into the University shall be open to all irrespective of religion, ethnic group, gender, creed and disability. All applicants for admission into the University must have attained 16 years of age.

The admission requirements into the undergraduate programs of the Admiralty University of Nigeria are as follows:

  1. All admissions into the University must be through the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB);
  2. For admission to 100 Level courses (via UTME), candidates must: obtain five (5) credits at SSCE (or equivalent) in relevant subjects, at not more than two (2) sittings, including credit passes in English and Mathematics; and attain acceptable points in UTME in relevant subjects;
  3. For admission by Direct Entry (200 Level), candidates shall, in addition to having five (5) SSCE credits, obtain at least two (2) A’ level (or its equivalent) passes in relevant subjects, or possess ND with credit passes, or possess a good first degree in another field as the case may be;
  4. Those who meet the preliminary requirements for admission will be expected to undergo a screening (including/or) interview exercise to be conducted by the University; and
  5. The University will not accept transfer students until after at least the first two years of its existence.

Candidates must, in addition to meeting the general admission requirements, also satisfy the faculty and departmental requirements detailed below:

Faculty of Arts, Management and Social Sciences

ProgramAdmission RequirementsRemarks
 UTME Direct Entry 
EnglishFive Credits at SSCE (or Two A level passes toUTME subjects are: Lit.
 its equivalent) including include Lit. in Englishin English, one Arts
 English Language and and one other artssubject and another
 Literature in English. subject.Arts or Social Science
History and  International StudiesFive Credits at SSCE (or Two A level passes inUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) including History, Govt. and anyHistory/ Government
 English Language, other related subject.any other two subjects
 Mathematics, Geography  from Arts and Social
 and Government/History.  Sciences.
EconomicsFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,chosen fromMathematics,
 Mathematics, Economics,Economics, Accounts,Economics and one
 one Science subject plusBusiness Management,other subject.
 any one from Accounting,Government, 
 Business Methods,Geography or 
 Commerce, Govt.,Statistics. 
 Geography and Statistics.  
International RelationsFive credit passes atTwo A level creditUTME subject are:
 SSCE (or its equivalent) inpasses in Arts andEnglish, Government
 English, Government, andSocial Scienceand any other two Arts
 two other Arts or Socialsubjects. Credit passesand Social Science
 Science NCE, ND andsubjects.
  diploma in social work. 
Tourism StudiesFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passes inUTME subjects
 its equivalent) includingMathematics and anyare: English,
 English, Mathematics andother relevant subjects.Maths., Econs. and one
 Economics. other subject
ProgramAdmission RequirementsRemarks
 UTMEDirect Entry 
AccountingFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,chosen fromEnglish, Economics,
 Mathematics, Economics,Economics,Mathematics and any
 one Science subject andAccounting, BusinessSocial Science
 any other one relevantmanagement,subject.
 subject.Government and 
Business AdministrationFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,chosen fromMathematics,
 Mathematics, Economics,Economics, Accounts,Economics and one
 one Science subject plusBusiness Management,other subject.
 any one from Accounting,Government, 
 Business Methods,Geography or 
 Commerce, Govt.,Statistics. 
 Geography and Statistics.  
.Five Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,chosen fromMathematics,
 Mathematics, Economics,Economics, Accounts,Economics and one
 one Science subject plusBusiness Management,other subject.
 any one from Accounting,Government, 
 Business Methods,Geography or 
 Commerce, Govt.,Statistics. 
 Geography and Statistics.  

Faculty of Science

ProgramAdmission RequirementsRemarks
 UTME Direct Entry 
Forensic ScienceFive Credits at SSCE (or Two A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) including in Mathematics andEnglish, Maths. and any
 English, Mathematics, any other Sciencetwo of  Physics/Biology
 Physics or Chemistry. subject.or Chemistry
 Five Credits at SSCE (or Two A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) including in Physics,Physics and
 English, Mathematics, Mathematics orMathematics, Chemistry
 Physics and Chemistry. Chemistry.or Biology.
Computer ScienceFive Credits at SSCE (or Two A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) including in Mathematics inMathematics, Physics
 English, Mathematics, Science subjectsand one of Biology,
 Physics plus two other includingChemistry, Agric
 science subjects. Mathematics.Science, Economics and
BiologyFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,chosen fromChemistry and two of
 Mathematics, Physics,Chemistry and anyPhysics, Biology and
 Chemistry and of Physics,Mathematics.
  Mathematics or 
Software EngineeringFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) includingchosen in ChemistryBiology, Chemistry and
 English, Mathematics,and any one fromeither Physics or
 Biology, Physics andBiology, Zoology orMathematics.
Cyber SecurityFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,chosen fromChemistry and two of
 Mathematics, Physics,Chemistry and anyPhysics, Biology and
 Chemistry and of Physics,Mathematics.
  Mathematics or 
LawFive Credits at SSCE (orTwo A level passesUTME subjects are:
 its equivalent) in English,in Literature,English, Literature in English,
 Mathematics, Literature,Economics,Mathematics.
 Economics and Government.Government and CRS/IRS. 

Method of Application

Click on this link for registration:

Successful candidates who satisfy the admission requirements for their chosen degree programmes will be contacted.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. I would love to assist you.

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