It was just yesterday; we all can remember how we leapt for joy when we finally saw our names posited on the University Admission list. For some, it was not complete happiness because we had wanted to study a different course in another faculty.
Nevertheless, we were all joyous because at that very moment we knew our lives were now in the right direction especially for those who have written the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) exam severally without any desirable outcome.
Immediately, we began to fantasize about life on campus, how we are going to make outstanding grades, set up a landmark, being a change agent, burn for Christ – so many desires.
You remember how Mummy and Daddy summoned us to their room that night before we were to depart to the den.
They talked endlessly for hours about the dos and don’ts and how we should live and coordinate ourselves on campus.
That very night, we were so excited that we could not attentively comprehend a majority of the advice that was to us.
All we wanted at that instance was to finally experience campus life. Even in our state of overwhelming euphoria of excitement, we could still remember that our parents emphasized the need to remember our root, that is being a worthy ambassador of our families here on campus.
They advised us on how to make friends with those who are academically focused and to avoid the non-academic students like plagues.
You remember Daddy saying we should not follow boys on campus and Mummy advising that we should not allow ourselves to be carried away by beautiful girls on campus because they are destiny distractors.
Mummy also emphasized the need to be prayerful and joining a Bible-believing fellowship so that we can be healthy spiritually.
Soon after we arrive on campus,
We Forget our purpose
We forget Mummy’s advice
We forget Daddy’s advice
We forget our goals
We forget our beliefs
We forget ourselves
We allow ourselves to be influenced by the system negatively. We join the bandwagons to chant school na scam. We cannot explain what is happening to us.
We become insecure about a whole lot of things about ourselves. We are forced to conform to standards that contrast our belief system.
The introverts are mocked because of their reserved splendiferous personalities.
Our roommates convince us to try to do things we don’t want to do, but for fear of rejection, we do them. We even lie about our family status just to avoid mockeries.
We are no more content with what our parents and guardians give to us as we now forgo academic necessities just to acquire designer’s clothes, shoes and the latest phones.
Sadly, we join cliques in our class whose aims and objectives are to bring people down especially those whose personalities we don’t appreciate.
We spend ample time in our rooms talking about the deficiency of the course reps, lecturers and the University administration without even proffering any solution.
We waste time engaging in frivolous activities that do not enhance self-development in any way.
The consequence of our association results in us losing our independence to the leader of the clique.
We follow him like sheep’s everywhere on campus. We’re never comfortable when the gang leader is not around us.
We no longer enjoy solitude as we go as far as to ensure our clique’s seat together during classes and examinations.
When we finally taste power, we go agog, we no longer see ourselves as first-year students. It becomes very difficult to queue up or follow due processes.
We force our opinions on others. We no longer care whether the system is working or not, all we want is to attain the jagaban status. Courtesy no longer exists in our abridged dictionary.
During lectures, we sit at the back relaxed and conversing with reckless abandon.
After all, our guy in the second year will tell us how to lobby for grades in the said course even though we’re fully aware that such actions are against the rules enacted by the University Senate and once caught would result in expulsion.
What a pity? We even forget the place of God in our lives. Praying becomes a herculean task, our actions does not in any way glorify God.
We give God excuses about our youthful exuberance. God you understand, we say.
It’s time for us all to go back to the drawing board. Envision the struggles that Mummy and Daddy or our guardians are currently going through just to put us through school.
The pertinent question we need to ask ourselves is whether they will be proud of the activities we’re currently engaged in especially our attitudes towards lectures, obedience to constituted authority, fashion sense and our relationship with God.
Let’s take a stand today. Serving the Lord wholeheartedly and pursuing academic excellence should be our primary priority. Never judge anyone base on the opinion of others.
I need you, you need me. Let’s join hands together to build a beautiful future.
And always remember, Only Time Will Tell.
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Thanks for the advice . I pray i come out well
I wish you the very best in your academics.
Thanks ma/sir for the piece of advice I really appreciate
The pleasure is mine.
Is it certain that the hostel at unec campus I applied for will be given to me?
It is not certain.
You only get the hostel by application on the school portal.
The process is competitive.
Nice blog, it’s really inspiring
I just hope my stay in UNN gets to be fruitful and not a waste ?
Your stay in UNN will be fruitful.
Do the needful and you will excel in your academics.