How to Print JAMB Admission Letter Online 2025

JAMB admission letter is a document that certifies your admission with your school as an undergraduate student.

The letter is from the Joint Admission Matriculation Board after getting your admission.

Every undergraduate student must accept their admission on the JAMB CAPS to get their admission letter.

The JAMB admission letter is for school admission clearance and NYSC mobilization.

Without the letter, you would not be able to do your first clearance. Though, many schools give waivers for students without admission letters.

The cost of printing your JAMB admission letter online with your phone is one thousand naira (₦1,000).

This post contains the steps to print your JAMB admission letter online with your phone.

I would love to hear from you. Let me know in the comment section if you have any questions or need further assistance.

JAMB Regularization

JAMB regularization is a registration exercise for undergraduate students in Nigeria without a JAMB admission letter.

It is for students who do not have admission on their JAMB CAPS.

The Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) is software for processing admissions in Nigeria.

You must get admission on JAMB CAPS before printing your admission letter.

Students in this category must undergo the JAMB regularization exercise to get their admission letters.

JAMB Regularization Procedures

Here is the procedure for JAMB regularization in Nigeria;

  1. Visit the JAMB CBT centre
  2. Purchase the JAMB regularization form
  3. Fill out the regularization form
  4. Submit your regularization form to your school registrar
  5. Wait for your school to process your admission regularization
  6. Accept your admission on the JAMB CAPS

JAMB Admission Letter Printing Requirements

Here are the requirements to print your JAMB admission letter online using your phone;

  • JAMB registration number
  • One thousand naira (₦1,000)
  • JAMB examination year
  • Mobile phone or Personal computer (PC)
  • Internet connection
  • Master, Visa or Verve ATM card

How to Print JAMB Admission Letter

Here are the procedures on how to print your JAMB admission letter online;

Step by step guide on how to print JAMB admission letter

  1. Open your internet browser

    Launch your phone or PC browserchrome browser

  2. Visit the JAMB Efacility Portal

    Enter on your internet browserJAMB efacility

  3. Log in to your JAMB account

    Enter your JAMB email address and passwordJAMB profile login

  4. Select your JAMB examination year

    Click on the drawdown menu to select your examination yearselect exam year

  5. Click on Print Admission Letter

    Select the red bar to print your admission letterCheck admission status

  6. Select examination year

    Click on the dropdown menu to select examination yearexamination year

  7. Enter your JAMB Registration Number

    Type your registration number in the boxPrint admission letter

  8. Print Admission Letter

    Click on the print admission letter icon

  9. Make payments online

    Pay ₦1,000 using your ATM card

  10. Print Admission Letter

    JAMB admission letter

FAQ on JAMB Examinaton Letter

Is the JAMB admission letter needed for NYSC?

Yes, you need a JAMB admission letter for your NYSC mobilization. Graduates without a JAMB admission letter must apply for regularization through their school registrar.

How do I print my admission letter from the JAMB portal?

Print your admission on the JAMB portal by visiting

How many times can I print my JAMB admission letter?

You can print your JAMB admission five (5) times after your first payment online.

Can I print my JAMB admission letter twice?

Yes, you can print your JAMB admission letter twice for your first payment.

How much does it cost to print the original JAMB result?

It will cost you one thousand naira (₦1,000) to print the original JAMB result.

Let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions.

Good luck to you.

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76 thoughts on “How to Print JAMB Admission Letter Online 2025”

  1. I have printed my jamb admission letter but do I still need to print result slip after the whole process of regularization

  2. sir, i made payment to print my admission letter it showed payment successful but the app refreshed and i could not find the letter

  3. Good day Boss, I have paid for the admission letter, but the portal kept saying “The registration doesn’t exist” what is happening and the payment is successful

  4. My name is already on NYSC portal senate list and but I couldn’t do NYSC registration because of jamb normalisation. After doing regularisation and printed my jamb admission letter, should I submit it to NYSC to update my Jamb number so I can register for next batch or I’ll have to take the admission letter back to my institution again?

    • You should take the admission letter back to your institution again. Once your institution has approved your regularization, they will send a notification to NYSC. NYSC will then update your JAMB number in their system and you will be able to register for the next batch.

  5. Good afternoon, pls I will like to print my jamb admission letter but the email I used then can’t get the password, pls how can I go about it

  6. Good day, please I tried printing my admission letter and when I got the account for transfer because I did by transfer, I copied the acc. No and clicked i have payment, left to my bank app and after making payments,came back to see a refreshed site and i haven’t gotten any feedback on it, how can I go about it

  7. The school of my first choice during jamb DE registration 2023 and jamb have given me admission, but now my problem is that my email address is inaccessible and I tried linking it, they told me that I have already link my email, now how then can I do to accept and print my admission letter?

  8. Admission letter I paid for since last week has not reflected till now, I still paid another person to check for me again, but it still saying pending…I plan to visit jamb office, what do you suggest?

  9. I recently accepted my admission and it’s showing “congratulations you have accepted admission”,but I can’t print my admission letter up till now,is it network problem?, please what do I do??

  10. Pls I payed for the jamb admission letter last year 2022 and printed it once bt is white and black now I want to print it again now because I need colour one and is saying this service is not available no what can I do because I need the coloured one urgently

  11. I’m founding it difficult to print my admission letter and also my jamb status.
    I wrote my jamb in 2019

  12. Why is it taking jamb HQ time to approve my regularization. Their article says it takes 24hours once it gets to them but it’s more than a week now and no response. When is mobilization for NYSC batch B stream 1 ending. Thanks

    • Hi Chidimma,

      I understand your frustration. It can be frustrating to wait for a long time for your JAMB regularization to be approved.

      JAMB has stated that it usually takes 24 hours to approve regularization requests once they are received by the headquarters. However, there may be times when it takes longer, especially if there is a backlog of requests.

      There are a few reasons why your request may be taking longer than usual to be approved.

      One possibility is that there is a problem with your application. For example, you may have made a mistake in filling out the form, or you may have not included all of the required documentation.

      Another possibility is that your school has not yet submitted your application to JAMB. Schools are usually given a few weeks to submit applications, so it is possible that your school has not yet had a chance to do so.

      The mobilization for NYSC Batch B Stream 1 is currently ongoing. The deadline for submission of online registration is July 15, 2023. However, candidates who are unable to submit their applications by this deadline may still be able to participate in the mobilization if they are able to complete their registration before the end of the mobilization period.

      I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  13. Good afternoon. I have made payment for admission letter, i tried printing and it showed “Registration number does not exist for the selected year” and i have gained admission. I am sure I used the right year. Pls i need your assistance

  14. I have printed my admission letter and result slip but my name is not on Jamb Matriculation List. Note: I did regularisation this year and they confirmed it.

    In the payment section, it keeps telling that PAID (not-used)

  15. I have been finding really hard to access my jamb caps it keeps saying not eligible to use this service and yes I have linked my email to jamb pls help me out

  16. I did my regularization dis year, I submitted my indemnity form in fce wia I did my NCE, nw dat I printed my admission letter on it, it is indicating u hav bin giving admission to federal college of education, I was advice to submit it to my current institution dey will b d one to do everything so dat I can go to service dis year by his grace

  17. my admission letter is still showing my first profile of 2020/2021 instead of 2022/2023 pls I dont know what wring

  18. Good afternoon, I graduated from ogun state college of health last year without jamb, now I want to do DE and was asked to provide admission letter, I went to jamb office to do Regularization but we were told to go back to our school that All college of health or education can’t get the admission letter for now that it’s from the jamb headquarters. How soon did u think they will rectify it because direct entry form will be closing 20/04/2023

  19. Pls, I made payment to jamb for my admission letter, my bank already debited me buh I don’t have access to download the admission letter on jamb portal (don’t know, probably payment hasn’t reflected yet). How do I go about it???

  20. I have been given admission but jamb and it acccepted it but I cant print my admission letter…it says you haven’t been given admission why sir and what can be done

  21. I lost my Password to my JAMB portal and can’t have access to my mail now
    Please how can I print my admission letter? Please

  22. Hello sir
    I was a distance learning student at LAUTECH who finished last year but we were asked to do jamb regularization which I completed in Feb 2021
    But currently, I just got an admission offer last week on jamb caps under Noun/sandwich/part-time/DLI and I have accepted the offer but I noticed I can’t print the admission letter as it is saying my jamb reg does not exist for what I want to do.
    Secondly, the normal admission status is still showing I have not been given admission yet
    So I am kind of confused sir what could be happening.


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