How to Defer Admission in Nigeria University or Polytechnic

You can defer your admission to Nigerian universities and other tertiary institutions.

Deferment of admission is the process of stepping down or revoking your studentship for one (1) or more academic sessions.

To defer admission means to initiate the application to not resume the academic session for a valid reason.

You can defer admission for one (1) to twenty (20) years.

All Nigerian universities allow applications for deferment of admission by undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Newly admitted students with their JAMB admission letters can defer their admission after completing their first-year clearance.

In this post, I will walk you through the procedures for deferment of your admission to UNN, UNILAG, UNICAL, OAU, UI, ABU Zaria, and other schools.

You can ask me any questions or make further inquiries using the comment box at the end of this post. I will love to hear from you.

Also, you will be interested in reading how to graduate with a first class.

Good Reasons to Defer Admission

Deferring your admission is a good idea if you have a valid reason why you cannot resume the academic session.

The reasons will be in your deferred admission letter, required for approval by your school registrar and admission office.

Here are a few valid reasons for the deferment of admission;

  • Health Challenge
  • Financial Crisis
  • Pregnancy
  • Lack of Academic Sponsor
  • Employment

Health Challenge

An ill-health condition is a common reason why students defer their admission.

The rigours of tertiary education require sound health for students. It is the only way you can survive academic stress.

Students with poor health conditions must defer their admission till they get recovery.

Financial Crisis

Financial challenges for students are the inability to pay tuition fees, accommodation, and meet up with other expenses.

You must apply for deferment if you cannot pay for your education.

This period will allow you to pool resources to cater to your education.


The event of pregnancy is a valid reason to defer your admission to your school.

It is optional because you can continue with school with your pregnancy.

But students who do not want to combine child-bearing with schooling can defer their admission.

Lack of Academic Sponsor

The lack of an academic sponsor is a valid reason to suspend your academics.

An academic sponsor is an individual that takes care of your financial obligations in school.

Your sponsor can be your parents, family members, etc.


Employment is a valid reason to put off your resumption for school.

Students who get employment during their academic programme can postpone their resumption.

Requirements to Defer Admission

Here are the documents for deferring your admission;

  • JAMB Admission Letter
  • Local Government Area (LGA) Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • School Fees Payment Receipt
  • O’level Result (WAEC, NECO & NABTEB)
  • Passport Photograph
  • Student Biodata Form

Deferment of Admission Form

A deferment of admission form is a document you will get at your school admission or registrar’s office for the application.

You must fill out and submit this form to approve your admission postponement.

It is necessary to get your school’s official stamp on this form to indicate approval of your deferment.

Deferment Fee

A deferment fee is an amount you pay for the application process.

The money you will pay depends on your school. Some schools require that you generate the payment invoice on your school portal.

There are two payment methods;

  1. Online Payment
  2. Bank Deposit

How to Defer Admission

Here are the processes for deferment of admission;

  1. Pay your acceptance fee
  2. Generate school fees invoice
  3. Pay your school fees for the academic session
  4. Complete your first-year clearance
  5. Visit your head of department (HOD) office
  6. Inform your HOD you want to defer your admission
  7. Get the deferment application form from your faculty officer
  8. Fill out the form
  9. Write your deferment of admission letter
  10. Submit the deferment form and letter to your school registrar, faculty and department office.
  11. Wait for approval from your school admission office

Defer Admission Letter Sample

Here is a sample of how you can write a letter to defer university admission;

Defer admission letter sample
This picture contains a deferment application letter sample

I, Olarewaju Blessing, a 100level student of Mass Communication at the Faculty of Arts, write to request for deferment of my admission for the 2026/2027 academic session.

My request for deferring my admission is because of my health challenges.

Attached to this letter are my Medical reports, approved by the university medical director.

Thanks for your anticipated assistance.

Application to Resume Academic Activities

You can resume school after deferring your admission by writing to your school.

In the letter, you will request to resume academic activities.

The letter will be reviewed and approved by your school registrar.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to defer admission in a Nigerian university or polytechnic?

To defer admission means to postpone or delay your acceptance of a university or polytechnic offer of admission to a later academic session.

How do I apply for deferment of admission in Nigeria?

The process for applying for deferment of admission varies across institutions. Still, generally, you will need to write an application letter to the institution’s admission office stating your reasons for deferring and the academic session you intend to defer to. Some institutions may require additional documentation or have a specific procedure for deferment.

Can I defer admission for any reason?

No, not all reasons for deferment may be accepted by an institution. Some common acceptable reasons include health challenges, financial constraints, family issues, and personal development opportunities.

Can I defer admission after resumption?

It is usually impossible to defer admission after the resumption as the academic session would have already commenced. Institutions usually have a deadline for deferment of admission before the commencement of the academic session.

Do I have to pay any fees for deferment of admission?

Some institutions may require payment of a deferment fee or part of the school fees for the deferred academic session. It is advisable to check with the institution’s admission office for details on any fees or charges.

Can I defer admission multiple times?

Institutions have different policies on multiple deferments, and it is advisable to check with the institution’s admission office for their policy. Some institutions may allow only one deferment, while others may allow multiple deferments with conditions.

Let me know if you have any questions about deferring your admission. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.

You can watch my videos on the Studentship YouTube Channel by clicking here.

Do well to join the Studentship Facebook Group to get instant school updates.

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117 thoughts on “How to Defer Admission in Nigeria University or Polytechnic”

  1. Hello sir, good evening. This is my situation. I applied for a program at AE-FUNAI 2023/2024. It was at the end of April 2024 that I got admitted but students have already resumed and from the academic calendar, they would be starting exams by the end of this May.
    I wish to defer my admission. Do you think it’ll be possible to apply for deferment?
    Also, on what grounds should I apply for? because I’m already behind at it is and I’m also not financially capable. I just started a good paying job and wish to work a bit more and save for school. Please a swift reply would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    • Hello, Philomena

      Yes, you can defer your admission. A good reason would be financial difficulties.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  2. Good evening sir,
    I paid school fees for first semester 300l before deferring will I still pay another fees as am resuming this session?

    • Hello Sir, I kind of met this late
      I got admission at FEDERAL UNIVERSITY LOKOJA, in 2021 can I’ve paid my acceptance fee but due to financial and health crisis I couldn’t meet up, it’s almost 3 years now can I still defer my admission? (Note I never resumed at the first place)

      • Emmanuel,

        It would be difficult to give you a straightforward answer.

        But, there is only one way to find out.

        Visit the HOD of the department you were admitted to, explain the situation to him/her.

        Also, you should visit the FULOKOJA admission office. You will be given the best advise.

        Let me know if you have further questions. I would love to help.

  3. Good morning sir,I defer my admission during my second year second semester last year ,will I have to pay another school fees when resuming for my second year second semester next year

  4. Sir, I am a 300l student of Unilorin. I gave birth last year and didn’t resume to school. I also did not pay my school fees. Do I have a problem since I did not notify the school? My mates will be resuming to 400l and I plan on paying my fees and resume back to school but I can’t make any payments on the school portal. All of my information is still on the school portal except my level. I don’t know if this means I have been rusticated or my admission has been revoked. Can I do anything about this? The new session begins next year.

    • It is important to notify your school about your situation as soon as possible. Not doing so could result in your admission being revoked. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:

      1. Contact your faculty advisor or the dean of your faculty. Explain your situation and ask for their advice. They may be able to help you get back on track with your studies and pay your school fees.

      2. Visit the school’s bursary office. They will be able to tell you why you are unable to make payments on the school portal and what you need to do to resolve the issue.

      3. If you are unable to pay your school fees in full, you may be able to apply for a deferment or a payment plan. Talk to the bursary office to see if you are eligible for either of these options.

      4. If you have been rusticated, you may be able to appeal the decision. The process for appealing a rustication will vary depending on your school, so you will need to contact the registrar’s office for more information.

      It is important to act quickly to resolve this issue. The sooner you take action, the more likely you are to be able to return to school and continue your studies.

  5. Please sir I got admission on February but only paid for my acceptance fee due to my dad’s death and they are already done with 2nd semester can I still defer my admission

    • Hello Precious,

      I am sorry about the loss of your dad.

      It is possible to regain your admission.

      But, you will have to start school in the next academic session. I advise you visit the HOD of your department to make further inquiries.

      Let me know if you need further assistance.

  6. Please sir, if I defer admission for a semester will I have to do the exam back the second year sir like I mean will it be like I carry all the courses

  7. Good day sir,
    Please I got admitted to UniAbuja this July and I’ve done the screening, but was unable to pay the school fee, and presently now the portal has closed please can I defer the admission as well?


  8. Please I got admission into uniabuja onthe 16th June, 2023 and I did all the necessary evaluation but I was not able to my school and exam has already started and the portal has closed can still defer my admission
    I just started first semester is it possible to defer my admission next semester

  9. Hello am 300l student of aksu and I want to defere due to financial cries but I haven’t paid my fee so exam as started, can I still defer?

    • Hello Eyo,

      Sorry about your financial challenges.

      I advise you to speak to your course adviser. He will guide you on the best point of action.

  10. Hello Olarewaju,
    I just got admission into BSU but due to financial crisis I would like to defer my admission till next acedemic session. After my paying for the acceptance fees and other related charges, including first semester fees, what is the right time to request for deferment of admission?
    And again must I have to register my courses for the first semester before applying for deferment of admission?

    • Hello Matthew,

      Sorry about your financial challenges.

      Now is the right time to apply for deferment of your admission. You would want to send in your deferment request in as soon as possible.

      Concerning registering your courses, I advise you confirm from your course adviser as the policy in your school may be different.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

      • Hi,
        You said something about competing with other candidates for slots.

        I’m a student of UI and we’re just done with our exams for 100 lvl…but I want to defer the admission.

        With the statement above, would I have to compete with anybody for slots even when I have the requirements to resume for the 200 level academic session?

  11. I have 3 questions which are
    1. Can I defer my admission for 2years
    2. If I defer my admission for 2years and decided to resume early than that’s it possible
    3. My admission is for 2022/2023 session if am to defer for 2years does it mean am gonna resume 2024/2025 session

    • 1. Yes, it is possible.

      2. Yes, you can resume early.

      3. 2024/2025 is the academic session for the next two years.

      Feel free to ask any further questions.

      • Good Day Sir
        I deferred my 300 level second semester due to some issues with my course registration in LASU. I’m about to resume 400level first semester would I still graduate at the end of 400 level or I would come back to do 300 level semester that a deferred before I can graduate.

        • If you have successfully deferred your 300 level second semester, then you should be able to resume your studies at the 400 level first semester. This means you will not have to repeat any part of your 300 level before graduating.

          However, you must confirm this with your school’s academic adviser or the registrar’s office to be sure that you have fulfilled all the requirements for graduation.

          They will be able to guide you on any additional steps that you may need to take to ensure that you graduate on time.

  12. Hi Sir
    My name is Temitayo I just got admitted into Federal university Oye Ekiti and they have started exams already before I was given the admission is it wish for me to defer the admission cause I was given two options
    1: To defer the admission.
    2: To resume with the current set as 100 level second semester then I will have to take some of the 100 level first semester course and do it in100 level second semester,that I can take it bit by bit and do it for three different first semester 100 level

    • Hello Samuel,

      Sorry about your late admission.

      I recommend you defer the admission.

      Taking 100 courses after your first year may be difficult as you will be preoccupied with your coursework.

      It will be like you are sitting for carryovers which may not be easy to combine.

  13. Good day Mr, I left school 8 years ago with out writing deferment letter to the school because of financial crises I could not defend my project and now I want to defend my project will I write a resume letter or deferment letter to the school

    • Freda,

      I will advise you to visit the HOD of your department to make further inquiries.

      I wish you good luck.

  14. please am in 200L and I want to defer the session due to late payment of fees and my school is now in second semester and exams will soon commence is it still possible?
    And when i return do I have to continue with the 200L or with 300L then after am done with the actual year I will then go back to write the 200L exams?

    • Hello Blessing,

      You must pay your fees to defer your admission.

      After deferment, you will continue from your current level.

  15. Hello sir
    I got an addmission in to fedpolibali,and I want to defer the addmission for 1 year do to lack of sponsor and next week is there matriculation, can I register and join the ceremony of the matriculation with them, then defer my addmission please

  16. Hi
    My name is peter I just got admission into tasued and I’m supposed to resume middle of march buh my sponsor wants me to forfeit the admission
    I’ve paid the necessary fees except school fee and accomodation
    Can I also defer

  17. Hello sir good Day
    I differred for one session and now I want to resume back,is there any written application that I need to write again notifying the school or I can just resume my studies without notifying the school management?

    • Yes, James

      You need to address a letter to your registrar and department about your intention to resume academic activities.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

      • In regard to this answer given. If I defer a (first) semester, then, how am I going to go about it — would I join the current session in second semester? If yes, how am I going to cover up the semester I deferred?

        Thank you, as you answer this. May God bless.

        • Hello Adekunle,

          If you defer your admission after sitting for the first semester exam.

          Then you can continue for the second semester after your deferment.

    • Joshua,

      You can only defer your admission after your clearance.

      Speak with the admission officer for your department for further assistance.

  18. Hello sir. I’m a student of University of Nigeria Nsukka. I’m in my 200L now but I want to differ my admission once I’m done with this level (i.e before 300L) by 6/7 sections. Please is it possible? What are the procedures I’m to take if it’s possible?

    • Hello Peter,

      Yes, it is possible to defer your admission after the current academic session.

      The first step is to meet with your HOD or course adviser to declare your intention to differ your admission.

      Then, you will write a letter to the university registrar to formally defer your admission.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  19. Good day sir I have paid my acceptance fee and school fee but did not attach it to my different letter am I going to repay it next year

      • Hello sir. I’m a student of University of Nigeria Nsukka. I’m in my 200L now but I want to differ my admission once I’m done with this level (i.e before 300L) by 6/7 sections. Please is it possible? What are the procedures I’m to take if it’s possible? I need your response please

        • Hello Peter,

          Yes, it is possible to defer your admission after the current academic session.

          The first step is to meet with your HOD or course adviser to declare your intention to differ your admission.

          Then, you will write a letter to the university registrar to formally defer your admission.

          Let me know if you have further questions.

  20. If I’m defering due to financial crisis will the university contact my parents ( will they notify my parents) about the deferment?

  21. Hi.
    I’m a 200L student in T.S.U. And my school is planning on writing her first semester examination but I’ve not been able to pay my tuition fees.. and I’m thinking of deferring my admission…
    Please,I want to know if it’ll be possible for me to defer my admission

  22. Will I still spend the same year after I differed my admission or it will b an additional year?

    Suppose I differed admission in 2016/2017 and the course is a 4 years course. I was suppose to end by 2020/2021. Will it be that same year [2020/2021] or another year?

  23. hello pls i couldn’t resume school after i had my baby but i wrote my 3rd semester exam before i had my baby…
    i didn’t apply to defer my admission i just missed the session and now i want to repeat the session what do i do?

    • Hello Mrs. Seko

      The first step will be to visit your department.

      You will get guidance on how to renew your studentship.

    • Hello Jackson

      Visit the Registrar’s office and HOD of your school to notify them you wish to resume academic activities.

      You will get the procedures for resumption.

      I wish you success in your academics.

      Let me know if you have furhter questions.

      • I just got admission into Unizik
        But there exams begin next month. If I defer my admission this semester, will I continue the next semester with others or I would start from the first semester?

      • Good evening sir
        I gain admission into dsust Delta State University ozoro I already paid acceptance fee but I want to differ my admission because I want to go for a training which would last for 6 months please how do I go about it sir please help me

        • Hello Favour,

          To defer admission to Delta State University, Ozoro (DELSU), you will need to follow these steps:

          1. Write a formal letter to the Registrar of DELSU, requesting a deferment of admission. The letter should state the reason for your request, the duration of the deferment you are seeking, and any supporting documentation you have.

          Attach the following documents to your letter:

          – A copy of your acceptance letter
          – A copy of your JAMB admission letter
          – A copy of your O’level result(s)
          – A copy of your payment receipt for the acceptance fee

          2. Any other supporting documentation, such as a letter from your employer or training provider confirming your participation in the training program.

          3. Submit your letter and attachments to the Registrar’s Office. You can do this in person, by mail, or electronically.

          4. Once your request has been processed, you will receive a notification from the Registrar’s Office approving or denying your deferment. If your request is approved, you will be given a new admission date for the following academic session.

          Here is a sample letter you can use to request a deferment of admission to DELSU:

          Your Name
          Your Address
          Your Phone Number
          Your Email Address


          The Registrar
          Delta State University, Ozoro
          Delta State, Nigeria

          Dear Registrar,

          I am writing to request a deferment of admission to Delta State University, Ozoro, for the 2023/2024 academic session. I was recently admitted to the [Program Name] program, and I have already paid the acceptance fee. However, I have also been accepted into a [Training Program Name] training program that will last for six months.

          This training program is a unique opportunity for me to gain valuable skills and experience that will be directly relevant to my studies at DELSU. I am confident that completing this training program will make me a better student and a more successful graduate.

          I would be grateful if you would consider my request to defer my admission to DELSU until the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic session. I have attached a copy of my acceptance letter, JAMB admission letter, O’level result, and payment receipt for the acceptance fee. I have also attached a letter from my employer confirming my participation in the [Training Program Name] training program.

          Thank you for your time and consideration.

          [Your Name]

          Please note that the Registrar’s Office may ask you to provide additional information or documentation in support of your request. It is also important to note that there is no guarantee that your request will be approved. However, if you have a valid reason for requesting a deferment, the Registrar’s Office is more likely to approve your request.

  24. Good day sir. Please can I differ my admission in 300 level. I’m in my 200 level now and I want to differ my admission before 300 level. I want to know if it’s possible and if yes, what are the procedures? I’m a student in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Please sir.

  25. I differ my admission for a section and now planing to resume.

    Can I resumes to year 2 and spill over the section I differ as Carry over.

    • Abayomi,

      Not sure I completely understand your question.

      After deferment of admission, you would resume your previous academic level.

      If you differed your admission after getting admission to the university, you would resume for your first year.

      • Good morning, sir. Pls once I had paid both the school and acceptance fees with others and tender my deferment letter. Would I still need to repay them once I resumed?

          • Good morning sir please i want to ask if i want to defer my admission as a as a 100lvl student and I’m done with clearance, must my name be on the matriculation list please

          • Yes, Becky

            You can defer your admission. It is not compulsory for your name to be on the matriculation list.

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