How to Get Transcript Certificate From Nigerian University

A Nigerian university transcript is an academic document containing the record of a student’s academic performance grades.

Transcripts are a breakdown of a student’s educational performance in school. The transcript certificate contains your grades in every course you took at the university.

The transcript certificate is a requirement for Nigerian students to gain admission to study abroad for postgraduate studies.

Study abroad applicants must request a transcript from their institutions to get admission.

But unfortunately, many students lose their admission to universities in Canada, the USA, Europe, Australia, etc., due to failure to get their transcript from their Nigerian universities.

Also, graduates who request their transcript for other purposes encounter challenges.

This post will show you how to get your transcript certificate from Nigerian universities.

Let me know in the comment if you have any questions or need further clarifications on getting your academic transcript. I would love to hear from you.

Nigerian University Transcript

Woman standing behind Eiffel tower

The duration to get an academic transcript in Nigerian universities is between one (1) to three (3) weeks.

A family member or a friend can get your official transcript on your behalf if you are not available.

The cost of getting an educational transcript is between ten thousand to thirty thousand (₦10,000-25,000) Naira.

Types of Academic Transcript

A man and a woman looking at a computer screen

There are two (2) types of the academic transcript issued to graduates by Nigerian universities;

  1. Electronic (Soft Copy) Transcript
  2. Hard Copy Transcript

Electronic (Soft Copy) Transcript

An electronic transcript is dispatched by electronic mail to the email address of your destination institution.

For example, a UNN Alumni requesting for transcript certificate will have his transcript sent to the University of Toronto by email.

After submission of your transcript, your institution will notify you of your request report.

Hard Copy Transcript

Hard copy transcripts are paper copy academic documents.

They are sent by tertiary institutions to the destination request using carrier services like DHL, FEDEX and EMS.

Hard copy transcripts are expensive because they require carrier service charges.

Academic Transcript Request & Delivery

Nigerian student smiling

Academic transcript request and delivery services are available in Nigeria.

University graduates can use these services with ease to request their academic transcripts.

Note that the feasibility of these services depends on your institution.

I advise you to find out if they can get your transcript from your school without delay.

You can request your transcript using the following third-party services;

  • Seamfix (iTranscript)
  • ETX-NG


Seamfix developed iTranscript to simplify these delayed processes with getting your transcript degree certificate in Nigeria.

iTranscript is an online platform that allows graduates to request, track, and monitor the delivery of their school transcripts.

The whole process is digital, so you do not have to visit the school to carry out this operation.

This platform has helped thousands of students and some institutions like the University of Nigeria Nsukka in the delivery of responses for student transcripts.

iTranscript Services

  • Contact your alma mater
  • Make payments on your behalf
  • Get access to your records
  • Track missing or displaced data
  • Follow up with departments
  • Confirm the accuracy of the results
  • Ensure it is rightly signed and approved
  • Process delivery
  • Monitor the journey until it is delivered


ETX-NG is the first electronic transcript exchange in Nigeria and Africa.

They offer electronic transcript delivery to tertiary institutions within and outside Nigeria.

ETX-NG helps educational institutions in Nigeria improve efficiency, reduce costs and workload, and enhance the quality of service they provide to their students and alumni, employers, and other organizations.

How to Get Transcript From Nigerian University

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

The following are the processes to get your transcript certificate in Nigeria;

A description of how to get a transcript certificate from Nigerian universities

  1. Visit your university Registrar’s office

    Go to your university Registrar’s office and Exams and Records departmentUNN Nnamdi Azikiwe library

  2. Request for your academic transcript

    State the reason for your visit which is to get your transcript

  3. Pay for the transcript request service

  4. State the type of transcript you need

    Specify whether you want an electronic or hard copy transcript

  5. Provide the address for receipt of your transcript

    Write down the physical address or email address you want to receive your transcript

  6. Wait to receive your transcript

How to Apply for Transcript Online in Nigeria

Here are the procedures to get and apply for a transcript online in Nigeria;

  1. Visit your school eTranscript portal
  2. Fill out your details correctly
  3. Create your transcript profile
  4. Select your transcript type (Undergraduate or Postgraduate)
  5. Input your Matriculation number
  6. Make payment using your ATM card
  7. Fill out your personal details and address
  8. Provide shipping details for your transcript request
  9. Monitor the progress of the processing of your transcript

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24 thoughts on “How to Get Transcript Certificate From Nigerian University”

  1. I am not ready to study abroad yet but can my Transcript be done now for future reference or should I wait till when I am in need of it

  2. The university I’m currently applying for masters program is demanding for an unofficial transcript before the official transcript that will be sent directly to the university.
    However, I have written to the university registrar to no avail. I have chatted the university using one of their social media platforms, still no response.
    What should I do?.

    • If you have tried to contact your university registrar and chatted with the university using one of their social media platforms but have not received a response, you may want to try the following:

      1. Call the university registrar’s office.

      2. Send a certified letter to the university registrar’s office, requesting an unofficial transcript.

      3. Contact the department of the master’s program you are applying to and explain the situation. They may be able to help you get in touch with the registrar’s office or find another way to submit your unofficial transcript.

      If you are still unable to get an unofficial transcript from your university, you may want to consider submitting an alternative document, such as a copy of your student transcript from your previous institution or a letter from your academic advisor confirming your academic record.

      Here is a sample letter you can send to the university registrar’s office:

      Dear [Registrar’s Name],

      I am writing to request an unofficial transcript for my application to the master’s program in [program name] at [university name]. I have tried to contact your office by phone and email, but I have not received a response.

      I am unable to submit an official transcript at this time, as I am still waiting for my university to issue it. However, I can provide an unofficial transcript or a copy of my student transcript from my previous institution. I can also provide a letter from my academic advisor confirming my academic record.

      I understand that the deadline for submitting my application is approaching, and I am eager to submit my materials as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if you could please process my request for an unofficial transcript as soon as possible.

      Thank you for your time and consideration.

      [Your Name]

      You can also send a copy of this letter to the department of the master’s program you are applying to, along with your other application materials.

  3. Hi!
    I was instructed to upload my transcript in online application form of the University i wanna apply for but we all know that most of Universities don’t usually issue transcript to students hand-hand.
    My question is that; How will i do now?

    • There are a few ways to upload your transcript to an online application form without a physical copy:

      1. Request an unofficial transcript from your institution. Many institutions offer unofficial transcripts electronically, which you can usually download from your student portal. Unofficial transcripts are not official documents, but they are often accepted by universities for applications.

      2. Scan a copy of your unofficial transcript. If your institution does not offer electronic transcripts, you can scan a copy of your unofficial transcript. Make sure the scan is clear and legible, and that all of the information is visible.

      3. Take a screenshot of your unofficial transcript. If you are unable to scan your transcript, you can take a screenshot of your unofficial transcript from your student portal. Again, make sure the screenshot is clear and legible, and that all of the information is visible.

      Note: Some universities may require official transcripts to be submitted directly from your institution. If this is the case, you will need to contact your institution to request an official transcript.

  4. Can a person who didn’t finish from a particular university or dropped out in final year request for a transcript from his school ? So as to apply to another school abroad?

  5. Can my school customize my transcript for a particular school that I wish to study abroad, or there’s nothing like customize transcript.
    I was told transcript for abroad study is 40000 while for Nigeria is 20000. And I won’t get a copy of it as it will be sent directly to the school. So I ask, will my transcript be customize.

    • Yes, your school can customize your transcript for a particular school that you wish to study abroad. This is because different schools have different requirements for transcripts. For example, some schools may require a specific format for the transcript, while others may require a specific list of courses to be included.

      The additional cost for a transcript for abroad study is likely due to the additional work that is required to customize the transcript. For example, the school may need to translate the transcript into the language of the school that you are applying to, or they may need to provide a detailed explanation of the grading system used at your school.

      It is also possible that your school will not send you a copy of your transcript if it is being sent directly to the school that you are applying to. This is because the school may want to ensure that the transcript is received by the other school in a timely manner.

  6. Good evening sir!
    Please sir can someone use his/her first year “100” level transcript to seek for admission in foreign nations; e.g USA?

  7. How do I get a copy of my official transcript since it will be sent directly to the institution?
    I’m applying to multiple universities, do I need to pay each time I need the transcript? Or can I get a copy and scan it myself?
    How do I go about it please?


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