How to Pass Exams Easily with Top Grades in the University 2024

Passing your College examinations successfully with top grades is the number one (1) priority for university students.

Every student wants to read and pass their exams successfully.

The goal is to get a good result after your study year. I mean being at the top of your class in the area of academics.

Your final graduation CGPA can influence the opportunities available to you after graduation. It is why you must put in the effort to graduate with a satisfactory grade.

The problem is that sometimes you may not see the result of your long study hours.

Many factors could be responsible for this problem;

  • Ineffective Study Strategy
  • Undesirable Learning Behaviour
  • Social Media
  • Addiction
  • Unconducive Learning Environment

Whatever is the reason, you need effective study tips to prepare for your exams and pass successfully.

I remember struggling with my school work during my first year at the university. My problem was how to study for exams and remember to get top grades.

With these secret study tips in this post on how to pass your exams easily with top grades in the university, I was able to find a solution to my problem.

I assure you that you will find the guides in this article helpful.

Now, let’s dig in.

How to Pass Exams Easily with Top Grades in The University

Here are the study tips on how to pass exams easily with top grades in the university;

  1. Create a Study Timetable
  2. Start Study Early
  3. Study Before Your Lectures
  4. Ask Questions in Class
  5. Take Notes in Class
  6. Read Everyday
  7. Do Assignments
  8. Create the Perfect Study Environment
  9. Watch YouTube Tutorials
  10. Join a Study Group
  11. Avoid Social Media Distractions
  12. Practice Past Questions
  13. Take Study Breaks
  14. Sleep Well
  15. Exercise and Eat Well

Create a Study Timetable

Black marker on notebook

Creating a personal study timetable is the best strategy to read and pass your exams.

A personal study timetable is an outline containing the courses you want to study for the day or week. You create a reading timetable by assigning subjects to study for each day.

For example, you can decide to study Biology on Monday and Thursday.

Below is an example of a study timetable for a Business Administration student;

Day of the WeekSubject
Friday Business Law
SaturdayInternational Trade
SundayPrinciples of Marketing
This tables contains an example of a study timetable for a Business Administration student

Create a reading timetable that suits your schedule and school work. It would be ineffective to create a study schedule that is not workable.

Ensure that you follow the schedules for your study timetable. It would serve to check that you are achieving your study plans.

Without a study timetable, it may be impossible to track your consistency with your study.

Start Study Early

student studying with laptop

Starting to study earlier is the open secret of top-performing students in schools.

These categories of persons that studying from the first day of class. They do not wait for a week or night for their exams before they begin reading.

It is the wrong approach to trying to study effectively for exams in a short time. It could lead to mental or physical breakdowns.

I know students who became ill during professional exams because they attempted to pull an aggressive all-nighter back-to-back.

The technique of waiting till a week or night before your exam will lead to your poor performance.

To get a top grade in your courses, you must begin studying on time.

Study Before Your Lectures

Woman holding a book

Studying before your classes for the day is a secret study tip for easily getting top grades in the university.

This study technique comes with many advantages for students to make good grades.

Here is what it means to study before your lectures.

First, find out the topics you will be treating the next day.

For example, the topic for your first class the next day is the study of the components of blood.

Read up on the materials that you can find for blood components.

It does not matter whether you understand what you are learning. The goal is for you to get familiar with the topic and terminologies.

This approach will hasten your understanding at the lecture the next day. It would be easier for you to get clarifications from your lecturer during class.

Try this approach to see a positive change in your grades.

Ask Questions in Class

students sitting inside a lecture hall

Asking questions in class is the best way to acquire knowledge of your courses.

It is a good habit to ask your lecturers questions about what you do not understand.

Many students make the error of not seeking help from their tutors.

Even though you feel overwhelmed by the number of students in your class. You should find a way to meet with your lecturer for further explanations.

Also, you can ask a friend in class to give you guidance on what you do not understand.

The idea here is to seek help when necessary. It would improve your performance in your examinations.

Take Notes in Class

African Student

Taking notes in class is the best method to improve your understanding of your course and examination scores.

Every student must take notes in class using their writing materials. It allows you to jot down necessary salient points by your lecturer.

Some of the information you hear in class is not in your textbook or course materials. You can only get this information by taking notes in class.

Also, notes in class are simple. It is a simplified version of your textbook. So it is easy to read for proper understanding.

Always go to class with your notes. But ensure that the activity does not distract you from listening to your lecturer.

Read Everyday

student studying with a laptop and book

Reading every day is the most effective study tip for students to get top grades.

The constant consummation of your lecturer materials makes your examination preparation easy.

Here is how reading every day can improve your performance as a student;

  • Familiarity with the topics in your course outline
  • Easy understanding of your course content
  • Improvement of your reading habit
  • Study activities become easy

Set aside a time of the day to read. In no time, this would become an activity that would improve your grades in the long run.

Do Assignments

A student with a laptop

Doing and submitting your assignments on time will improve your grades in school.

The mistake here is that many students are reluctant to do their assignments. They work on it a few hours before the deadline. Unfortunately, this removes the importance of homework.

An assignment is supposed to be an exercise you work on for class to boost your understanding of the topic.

Your assignment is a challenge you solve to get a top-notch understanding of your subject.

Ensure that you start taking your assignment serious.

Also, lecturers bring examination questions from the assignment they give in class.

Take note of the exercise given as assignments. They could be your exam questions.

Create the Perfect Study Environment

woman drinking coffee during daylight

Creating the perfect study environment is necessary to get top grades in your examination.

A perfect study environment is a library or place suitable for reading. There is the absence of noise or any form of distraction.

Creating the perfect environment to study will help you read in a serene place with minimal distraction. It could be the library, hostel room or any location at school.

Find a place that works best for you to study. This environment will help you to read and pass exams successfully.

Watch YouTube Tutorials

Woman sitting in front of a MacBook

YouTube tutorials are an effective strategy for students to understand their coursework.

There are educational YouTube channels that make learning easy and fast for students.

I remember taking a course on Metabolism in my second year at the university. It was the YouTube channel Dirty Medicine that helped me to understand the subject.

YouTube is now an indispensable tool for students. You must utilize the online streaming platform to facilitate your learning process.

To begin, search for any topic you want to learn on YouTube. You will get the best recommendation for your study.

Join a Study Group

students sitting at a table

Joining a study group is an effective and fast method for improving your grades.

A study group is the coming together of two or more students to achieve excellence.

These individuals agree to meet together to brainstorm ideas and interact with each other.

There is an agreement on the day and location for meetings by the group members.

A good study group has many advantages for students. It allows you to interact with other students.

One of the best ways to learn is to explain topics to your classmates. You will get a better understanding of your course material.

Join a study group that is beneficial for your academics.

Avoid Social Media Distractions

Person holding iPhone

Social media is responsible for the poor performance of students in examinations.

Many students spend their study time viewing videos on Tik Tok and surfing Instagram.

Avoiding distractions on social media applications will improve the effectiveness of your study.

You would be able to read without distractions from your instant messaging app.

I am not suggesting that you deactivate your social media accounts. But you should turn off all notifications when studying.

You have to find a way to ensure that you do not get distracted while studying.

Practice Past Questions


Practising past questions are an effective tool to pass your exams easily with top grades in the university.

There are lecturers in your school who set their exam questions from past questions.

Past questions give you knowledge of the exam format for a course you are taking. You will be able to predict your exam questions will ease. This knowledge gives you an edge to succeed.

Take Study Breaks

Foreign students at the University

Study breaks are necessary for students who want to pass their exams with excellent grades with struggling.

The lack of study breaks could lead to burnout which causes low performance among students.

Study breaks are periods that you stay away from school work to engage in relaxing activities. It is a time to create enjoyable experiences with your friends and families.

Ensure that you create time to enjoy yourself. All work and no play make Jack be a dull boy.

Exercise, Sleep and Eat Well

man sits on bed

Your health is a number one priority to get good grades in school. Take care of your mental and physical health as a student.

Exercise, sleep and eat well for your body to function at an optimal level.

  • Eat fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid eating unhealthy junk foods
  • Sleep for eight (8) hours every day
  • Exercise for more than three (3) hours a day

Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. I will love to hear from you in the comment box.

Also, do not forget to share this post with your friends. Subscribe to my email list at the end of this post.

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4 thoughts on “How to Pass Exams Easily with Top Grades in the University 2024”

  1. I really enjoyed your advice for studying on how to pass an exam. But my question is that for me, I find it difficults sometimes to pass test or exam and how would I avoid cramming.

    • I’m glad you found my advice helpful!

      I understand that it can be difficult to pass tests or exams, especially if you find it hard to focus or concentrate. Here are some tips on how to avoid cramming and improve your chances of success:

      1. Start studying early. The earlier you start studying, the less pressure you will feel and the more time you will have to absorb the material.

      2. Create a study schedule and stick to it. This will help you stay on track and make sure you are covering all of the material.

      3. Find a quiet place to study where you will not be interrupted. This will help you focus and avoid distractions.

      4. Take breaks when you need them. Studying for long periods of time can be counterproductive. Get up and move around every 20-30 minutes to avoid burnout.

      5. Use different study methods. Some people learn best by reading, while others learn best by listening or doing. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

      6. Test yourself on the material. This is a great way to see what you know and what you need to work on.

      7. Get help if you need it. If you are struggling with a particular concept, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teacher, tutor, or classmate.

      8. Cramming is not a sustainable way to study, and it is not likely to lead to long-term success. By following these tips, you can avoid cramming and improve your chances of passing your tests and exams.

      Here are some additional tips that may help you avoid cramming:

      1. Pay attention in class. This is the best way to learn the material in the first place, and it will save you a lot of time and effort later.

      2. Take good notes. This will help you remember the material and refer back to it when you are studying.

      3. Highlight important information in your notes. This will make it easier to find the information you need when you are studying.

      4. Review your notes regularly. This will help you retain the information and make sure you understand it.

      5. Work with a study group. This can be a great way to learn the material and stay motivated.

      6. Take practice tests. This is a great way to see what you know and what you need to work on.

  2. What if I had poor performance in my first year.. I had parallel c in all my Economics department course.

    How can I make up, to achieve my dreams of having first class.

    • Suppose you performed poorly in your first year and received parallel C grades in all your Economics department courses. In that case, it’s understandable that you may be concerned about obtaining a first-class degree.

      However, it’s important to remember that one year does not define your entire academic journey. Here are some steps you can take to improve your performance and work towards achieving your dreams:

      1. Reflect on your first year: Analyze the reasons behind your poor performance. Was it due to a lack of understanding of the subject matter, ineffective study habits, personal challenges, or any other factors? Identifying the root causes will help you develop a targeted plan for improvement.

      2. Seek academic support: Reach out to your professors or academic advisors for guidance and support. They can provide valuable insights on how to improve your performance and suggest additional resources such as tutoring, study groups, or workshops that may be available.

      3. Improve study habits: Evaluate your study habits and make necessary adjustments. Develop a consistent study schedule, break down complex concepts into manageable parts, actively engage with the material through note-taking and summarizing, and regularly review to reinforce your understanding.

      4. Utilize resources: Take advantage of available resources, such as textbooks, online lectures, study guides, practice problems, and past exam papers. These resources can help you deepen your understanding of the subject and enhance your assessment performance.

      5. Form study groups: Collaborating with classmates with similar academic goals can be beneficial. Working together, discussing concepts, and solving problems can enhance your learning experience and provide additional perspectives on the material.

      6. Seek additional learning opportunities: Consider attending relevant workshops, seminars, or webinars outside of your regular coursework to broaden your knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Engaging in economics-related extracurricular activities, such as joining a student economics society or participating in relevant research projects, can also strengthen your academic profile.

      7. Take advantage of feedback: Review any feedback you received on your assignments and exams. Understanding where you went wrong and learning from your mistakes can be instrumental in improving your performance. If necessary, schedule a meeting with your professors to discuss the feedback and seek clarification on any areas of confusion.

      8. Set realistic goals: While aiming for a first-class degree is commendable, setting realistic goals and monitoring your progress are crucial. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable milestones, and celebrate your achievements. This approach will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset.

      9. Stay determined and resilient: Remember that academic success is a journey, and setbacks are a natural part of the process. Stay focused, maintain a positive attitude, and persevere through challenges. Consistent effort and dedication over time can lead to significant improvements.

      10. Seek personal support: If unique challenges are impacting your academic performance, don’t hesitate to seek help from friends, family, or counseling services available at your institution. Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is crucial for academic success.


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