17 Tips on How to Score High and Pass Post UTME Exam 2024

In this post, I will show you success tips on how to pass your Post UTME exam.

Every aspirant desires to score high in their Post UTME. Beat the cut-off mark and gain admission into the University or Polytechnic. 

Whether you are applying to study at UNN, UI, OAU, FUTA, ABU Zaria, UNIBEN, DELSU, UNIPORT, FUTO, e.t.c

I assure you that you will find this post helpful.

For many years, I struggled to gain admission into the University.

My problem at that time was a low JAMB score. Even when I managed to get something reasonable, post-UTME became the stumbling block.

No, doubt, many students get impressive scores in their JAMB results.

Unfortunately, some end up with low scores in their Post UTME. Sadly, they don’t gain admission despite their high JAMB score.

The cause is that many Nigerian students relax after getting a high JAMB. They believe their admission is a sure bet because of their 250 and above in the JAMB exam

You may not get admission even with a high Joint Admission Matriculation Board exam score.

In the race for admission, you declare your success after you must have seen your name on the admission list. 

That’s when you can boast about how you blasted UNILAG, FUTA, UNIBEN, ABU Zaria, UNN, UNILORIN, UI, BUK, FUOYE, OAU, UNIZIK, etc.

Gaining admission into the University or Polytechnic is in two stages.

  1. Get a high JAMB score.
  2. Complement your performance with an outstanding Post UTME result.

Here are tips on how to pass your Post UTME exam with flying colours.

Drop your JAMB score and school of choice to get advice on the score to target in your Post UTME.

Also, do let me know if you have any questions. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

17 Tips On How To Pass Post UTME Exam

Here are the tips on how to score high and pass your Post UTME exam.

  1. Understand Post UTME Format
  2. Study Post UTME Syllabus
  3. Develop Effective Study Skills
  4. Create A Good Study Environment
  5. Practice Post UTME Past Questions
  6. Boost Your Confidence in Post UTME Exam
  7. Practice Post UTME Questions Online
  8. Stay Informed On Post UTME News
  9. Register for Your Post UTME
  10. Know Your Exam Date and Venue
  11. Arrive Early at Your Exam Venue
  12. Eat Well Stay Healthy
  13. Overcome Post UTME Anxiety and Stay Calm
  14. Follow Post UTME Rules and Regulations of Post UTME Exam
  15. Learn to Answer Post UTME Questions
  16. Check Your Post UTME Result
  17. Calculate Your Total Score

Understand Post UTME Format

student studying with laptop

The first step to scoring high and passing your Post UTME is knowing your school’s exam format

Universities and Polytechnics have different formats for the conduction of Post UTME.

Some schools may conduct aptitude tests, while others would request documents. 

Even schools that conduct Post UTME exams have a different format.

For example, in UNN, aspirants write their four JAMB subject combinations.

Universities like DELSU and RSU test students on qualitative & Quantitative reasoning and current affairs.

Knowing the questions you will tackle on the day of your examination is necessary. You cannot afford to be ignorant of this knowledge. 

Some students only know these formats a few weeks before their exams. It usually does not end well for them.

You must know how your school of choice sets their questions. It will help you prepare to score high in your Post UTME.

Check here to see the Post UTME formats for Universities in Nigeria.

Study Post UTME Syllabus

Nigerian student studying

To pass your Post UTME, you must study the Post UTME syllabus.

Post UTME syllabus is a subject outline that contains a list of topics you must read and understand. 

Inside the syllabus, you will learn vital areas for the examination questions.

For example, in the syllabus, you will see statements like Students should know this and that.

How to Get Post UTME Syllabus

The Post UTME syllabus is the JAMB syllabus. Students who would write JAMB subject combinations use it for preparations.

For example, if you are applying for Nursing Sciences at UNN. Your Post UTME subject combination is Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

All you have to do is to study the JAMB syllabus on these topics for your exam.

A school that conducts screening based on the JAMB subject combination uses the JAMB syllabus.

JAMB syllabus is unused by schools that conduct quantitative or qualitative tests. In this case, you must get past questions to know the exact exam format.

The best way to get a Post UTME syllabus is to interact with students and aspirants of your school of choice.

Students in your school of choice would be able to tell you what to expect in the Post UTME exam.

Also, as you interact with other aspirants, you will know if you are studying in line with the school’s Post UTME syllabus.

Develop Effective Study Skills

A student with a laptop

Developing a potent study skill is necessary to pass your Post UTME. Without a good study plan, you would not be able to score high in your examination. 

A productive study strategy entails identifying what works best for you. You must know the best time for you to study.

You could comprehend faster at night or early in the day.

Never make the mistake of planning your study based on your friends’ opinions. Find out what works best for you and stick to it.

Set achievable goals for your study plan. You can study Chemistry on Mondays, Biology on Wednesdays, etc.

Planning your study enables you to organize yourself and track your progress. You will wake up every morning with a plan on what to study or achieve for the day.

Here is an important tip you should apply every day as a student. Before bed, know what you want to study the next day. It gives you a sense of purpose and motivation.

Also, productive study skill trains you on how to study and understand. It is necessary that as you read, you get a proper understanding of the topics. 

There are things you must do or avoid when you are reading for your examination.

How to Develop Effective Study Skills

  • Read every page of your textbook with an understanding.
  • Practice recalling what you have read at the end of your study session.
  • Test yourself with questions after your study schedule.
  • Check YouTube and Google to understand complex topics.
  • Discuss with other aspirants on topics in the syllabus.
  • Do not check your WhatsApp or Facebook feed during study hours.
  • Take short breaks every 30-60 minutes.
  • Drink water to stay dehydrated.
  • Do not engage in social interactions during study hours.
  • Eat well before studying. Do not read on an empty stomach.
  • Exercise daily to boost your brain function.

Create A Good Study Environment

Nigerian student

Creating a quality study environment is necessary to achieve your study plan. A terrible study environment would hinder you from preparing for your Post UTME exams.

A serene study environment is a morale booster to help you achieve your study goals.

Here is an example of a serene study environment;

  • Private or public library
  • A quiet area in your house
  • University or Polytechnic campus
  • Primary and secondary school classrooms

The above places are examples of peaceful study environments. 

Students who live in a campus environment can study in a serene environment. 

Also, on weekends you can go to public secondary schools to study. Better still, you can create a space in your house to study without distractions.

Wherever you study outside your house or compound, ensure the environment is safe and secure.

A piece of advice is to never go to the library or any place else to study with your browsing phone. Leave your Android device at home to avoid distractions from social media. 

Go with a torchlight phone to receive important calls.

If you can overcome social media addiction, you’d do well in your Post UTME and first-year exam.

Practice Post UTME Past Questions

revise post utme question

As you prepare for your Post UTME, you must test your capability using past questions. A productive study strategy entails the practice of previous years of exam questions. 

You must get a copy of the Post UTME past question for your school of choice. For example, if you applied to study Law at OAU, you get the past questions for OAU Law aspirants.

As you study the past questions, you will become familiar with the exam format. You will understand the exam format. It will give you a clue on how to enhance your study technique.

Never make the mistake of cramming answers in Post UTME past questions.

It would be best if you learned how to solve problems. Even if you encounter the same question, you will get confused in the exam hall. 

That is why you hear stories of aspirants lamenting how UNIBEN or AAU did not give them their actual scores.

What may have happened is that they crammed the past questions booklet and expected to score high. It does not work like that.

Take your time to practice and solve problems in the past questions. You would be able to answer questions in any similar format.

How to Get Post UTME Past Questions

You can get Post UTME from your school of choice. It would be best to inquire how to get the past questions booklet. Also, check if your school has a Post UTME question app on Play Store. 

School authorities do not compile past questions and answers. It is people who put together the questions from previous years. Inquiring about the reliable question booklet for your school of choice is necessary.

Source for information online concerning past questions if you do not live close to the University or Polytechnic campus. It is why you must interact with fellow aspirants on Nairaland or Myschool.

There must always be an aspirant who knows vital information about the school.

Also, stay vigilant in order not to fall into the hands of fraudsters. 

Boost Your Confidence in Post UTME Exam

student smiling

You must have an optimized confidence level to pass your Post UTME exam once and for all.

Believe in yourself so that you can score high and gain admission. Do not think you are a dullard who cannot pass the Post JAMB exam.

No student is a dullard that cannot perform well in an examination. The problem could be that you have not yet identified your strength, weakness and what works best for you.

Develop a positive mindset that you will not fail this year’s exam. Positive ideology gives you positive energy. You will be able to study harder and beat the cut-off mark.

Boosting your confidence level can also work against you. I mean for people who would allow their success in their JAMB score to get into their heads. 

A few years ago, the night before my Post UTME exam at UNN. I met a Pharmacy aspirant who had written his exam earlier that day. 

He kept bragging about how he had finished UNN. He boasted that he would score nothing less than 350/400

I never saw him throughout my first year. He did not get admission.

The idea is for you to stay humble despite your JAMB score or grade in WAEC. It is one thing to score high in JAMB and another to see your name on the admission list.

As you prepare for your exams, boost your confidence in humility. Let your admission letter speak for you. Do not show friends how you have covered a textbook back to back.

Practice Post UTME Questions Online

online registration

Practising Post UTME questions online are necessary to get familiar with the exam. Except for very few numbers of schools, post-UTME is now computer-based (CBT). It is why you must learn how to answer CBT questions.

Even if you don’t have a laptop, you can download Post UTME apps on the Google Play store for free.

For online aptitude practice tests, I always recommend Myschool. They have the best classroom for aspirants. I used Myschool to practice for my JAMB and Post UTME.

I love Myschool because it is a forum for students. You can meet and interact with other aspirants. 

For example, if you think the option provided as correct for a question is wrong. You can comment and state why the answer is incorrect. This way, you improve your capacity to achieve success.

Stay Informed On Post UTME News

stay informed on jamb news

A necessary tool that will make you succeed in your Post UTME is to be current about your school of choice. Gathering information is as vital as studying.

By being up to date, you would know when the Post UTME form is available or the nature of the question for the exam. 

As an aspirant, you must take the time to gather as much information as possible. 

Type the name of your school on Google. Read the history and structure of the school on Wikipedia. 

Google Chrome browser makes it easy to get important information. You will always see news about your institution of choice on your browser. 

Also, read up about the course you want to study. 

I must warn you. Sometimes, you get overwhelmed with this information. You begin to fantasize about being a student while you abandon your books. 

The easiest way to get information is to join Facebook groups. Groups created for aspirants and students of your school of choice.

For example, UNN aspirants must join My UNN Dreams or UNN News Hub

Type the school name you aspire to gain admission to on Facebook. You would see a lot of groups.

Also, I recommend you join my Facebook Group, where I help aspirants in different areas.

Register for Your Post UTME

Woman sitting in front of a MacBook

You cannot pass or score high in Post UTME without registering. It is why you must stay current on information about your school of choice.

Many aspirants make mistakes in their registration by inputting the wrong information. It is usually the fault of the computer operator handling their application. 

Go to a trusted computer centre for your registration. Double-check the application before you submit your form on the school portal.

Visit or contact the University ICT to resolve your problem with your application.

Also, ensure you meet the deadline for the screening application. You don’t want to run helter-skelter when the application is not available.

Know Your Exam Date and Venue

A statue in UNEC

Knowing your exam date and the venue is vital for your success in your examination.

After the end of screening registration, schools would invite students for an aptitude test. You have nothing to worry about if your school does not write a Post JAMB exam.

  • Check the official school website or Facebook to get vital information. 
  • Know when to print your Post UTME slip. The slip contains the date, time and venue for your exam.

Arrive Early at Your Exam Venue

woman sitting inside a boat

Arriving early at the centre for your exam is mandatory. It helps you get familiar with the environment and stay calm and relaxed.

Do not make late preparations for your exam. Arriving at the campus late can affect your performance.

If you live near the school, arrive a day before the exam. Students sometimes had to embark on such a journey at least two days before the exam, like aspirants living in Lagos writing UNN Post UTME.

Eat Well, Stay Healthy

Fruits on a table

Staying healthy is vital for your physical and mental health. Take good care of your body and always exercise.

It would shock you that exercise helps you have a retentive memory. Physical activity increases the capacity of your brain.

Eating healthy food will help to maintain your physical health.

Do not consume junk like snacks and soft drinks regularly. Eat vegetables and food rich in protein.

Also, take a lot of fruits to enhance your body functions.

Overcome Post UTME Anxiety and Stay Calm

get rid of distraction

Anxiety is a monster inside your head. It could make you fail your exam despite adequate preparations. The feeling of tension would leave you disorganized. 

You will begin to doubt your capability. This state of mind can make you choose the wrong options for your exam. Trust me, I am speaking from experience.

Anxiety may attack you on the day of your examination. You get intimidated by the population of students sitting for the same exam.

Worst case scenario, you hear only 100 students will get admission into your course. 

You must know that the race to gain admission is personal. Don’t wish for failure for yourself because of the statistics of students. You have to perform well and beat the cut-off mark.

On the day of your exam, try to stay calm. Control your breathing and confess you will succeed.

Adhere to the Rules and Regulations of Post UTME Exam

hourglass on stone

Following your Post UTME examination rules is the key to passing your screening.

Many students fail Post JAMB because of failure to adhere to simple instructions.

Listen to all instructions before the start of your examination.

Endeavour that you adhere to each of the rules and regulations. Do not try to be cunning.

Learn to Answer Post UTME Questions

People sitting beside table

Learning how to answer Post UTME questions would help you to score high. Get yourself familiarized with past questions to avoid common exam mistakes.

It would be best if you never wasted time on any question. Skip questions that are difficult for you to answer to save time.

The Post UTME exams are time-based. That is, you have limited time to answer the questions.

It is advisable to crosscheck the answers you have chosen. Never be in haste to submit your exam.

There is no award for the first to finish the screening examination. Ensure that you exhaust the time given for the exam.

Check Your Post UTME Result

revise post utme question

After your exam, Post UTME results will be out within 24 hours. Do not be afraid to check your screening result. 

Knowing your Post UTME score would help you determine your chances of gaining admission. 

You will score high if you stick with the practical study strategy described above. It is my earnest prayer that your efforts will turn into success.

Calculate Your Total Score

A man and a woman looking at a computer screen

Calculate your total score using your JAMB and post your UTME score.

Every school has a different formula for calculating the total admission score.

Some schools add JAMB and screening scores and divide them by two. 

Tell me in the comment session if you don’t know how to calculate the total aggregate score for your school.

Most schools do not allow using a calculator during the Post UTME exam.

You must practice how to solve problems without the use of a calculator.

What Is Post UTME Exam

The Post UTME exam is a screening examination organized by tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

It is a method adopted to select qualified students for admission. 

What Is the Difference Between JAMB and Post UTME Exam

The Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a national examination body in Nigeria.

The board regulates admission processes in the various tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Students must pass the JAMB exam for consideration for admission. 

The Post UTME examination is a screening test organized by tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Universities and Polytechnics test students with exams to determine students suitable for admission.

The JAMB and Post UTME scores determine a student’s admission eligibility.

Difference Between Screening and Post UTME

There is no difference between screening and Post UTME examination. But, in some institutions, screening is an online application without an aptitude test. 

You must note that every school in Nigeria organizes Post UTME screening/registration.

But some Universities or polytechnics do not conduct Post UTME examinations. Take note of the difference.

What to Read for Post UTME

You must read for your Post UTME examination using the JAMB syllabus and textbooks.

Do not read outside the subject area for your school of choice. Also, practice past questions to test and identify your weak points.

Books to Read for Post UTME 

Here are the books you should read for your Post UTME examination.

  • English: A-Z English Textbook by Dele Ashade 
  • Chemistry: Lamlad’s SSCE & UTME Chemistry by F. O. Ayinde and F. O. Asubiojo
  • Physics: Lamlad’s SSCE & UTME Physics by O. Ajaja and H.B. Olaniyi
  • Biology: Explicit Biology by O.J. Olaoye
  • Mathematics: Integrated Mathematics Textbook Afolabi J.R.
  • Government: Comprehensive Government for Senior Secondary Schools
  • Literature: Exam Focus Literature-in-English
  • CRS: Study the Bible with the JAMB syllabus
  • Economics: Essential Economics for Senior Secondary Schools
  • Past Questions: School Post UTME Past Questions and Answers 

Post UTME Syllabus

The Post UTME syllabus is like the JAMB syllabus.

Study with the JAMB syllabus for conventional subjects like Mathematics, Economics, Biology, etc. 

Ensure you know the exam format for your first and second schools of choice.

How Many Subjects Are Written in Post UTME

You will write four subjects in your Post UTME examination. The nature of the exam is different for various tertiary institutions. Some schools test on current affairs, qualitative and quantitative reasoning, etc.

How Many Questions Are There in Post UTME

Post UTME questions are between 50 to 100 exam questions depending on your school of choice. UNN Post UTME questions are 60, while the University of Ibadan is 100 questions. 

The format for Post UTME exams is dynamic. Institutions may decide to change their style at any given time.

How to Check My Post UTME Exam Date

You can check your Post UTME exam date by visiting the school’s official website portal.

For example, if you applied for Law at the University of Calabar. You have to visit the UNICAL website to know your exam date.

Best Post UTME CBT Practice App

Here is the list of the best Post UTME CBT practice app on Google Playstore;

  • JAMB CBT + WAEC Past Questions by Myschool
  • My UNN Post UTME App by Allschool
  • UNIBEN Post UTME App
  • All JAMB Post UTME Questions & Answers
  • Jamb and Post UTME Questions
  • All Universities Post-U.T.M.E offline
  • OAU Post UTME Questions Offline
  • UNIPORT Post UTME Past Quetions
  • G-Best DELSU Post UTME Offline
  • UNIZIK Post UTME-Past Questions & Answers (Offline)
  • FUTO Post UTME Past Questions- Offline (Study App)

Best 5 Federal University in Nigeria

Here is the list of the best 5 Federal universities in Nigeria according to the Times Higher Education;

  • University of Ibadan (UI)
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN)
  • University of Lagos (UNILAG
  • Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)
  • University of Benin (UNIBEN)

Note that the ranking fluctuates every year. Accreditation by the National Universities Commission (NUC) is the principal factor. 

Best State University in Nigeria

Here is the list of the best state universities in Nigeria;

  • Lagos State University (LASU)
  • Rivers State University (RSU)
  • Delta State University (DELSU)
  • Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma (AAU)
  • Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU)

How Many Universities in Nigeria

There are 171 Universities in Nigeria, according to the National Universities Commission (NUC);

  • 44 Federal Universities
  • 48 State Universities
  • 79 Private Universities


The UNIBEN Post UTME format is 50 questions for one hour. Applicants of Medicine and Surgery write five subjects: Mathematics, Biology, Use of English, Chemistry and Physics.

You will answer twenty (20) questions in English—fifteen (15) questions in Biology and five (15) questions for the other subjects.

How Many Subjects Are Written in UI Post UTME

You will write four subjects at the University of Ibadan Post UTME examination. The subject combination is the same as that of JAMB. For example, If your JAMB subject combination is Use of English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. It is the same subject you will take in UI Post UTME.

Can I Write Post UTME in Two Schools

You can write Post UTME in two schools, including your first and second choice of institution.

In some cases, aspirants write Post UTME in their first choice school. They register for JAMB change of institution. Write the screening exam in another school as a first-choice candidate. 

Whatever you do, make sure you don’t violate JAMB guidelines.

Difference Between Polytechnic and University in Nigeria

Polytechnics and universities in Nigeria are different academic awarding institutions. Polytechnic awards the National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND(certificates.

Universities in Nigeria award Diplomas, BSc, MSc, and PhD certificates.

University is the best because they offer programs in postgraduate studies—the apex of a certificate-awarding institution.

Difference Between HND and BSc

Polytechnics in Nigeria awarded HND after the completion of a four-year academic program. After two school sessions, Polytechnic students earn an ND result. They go for a one-year industrial training programme. 

After adding two academic sessions, ND holders get an HND certificate. HND holders in Nigeria can go for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

  • I would love to hear from you. Ask me any questions using the comment box below.

Also, share this post with your friends using the social media buttons below. 

I wish you success in your forthcoming examinations.

You can watch my videos on the Studentship YouTube Channel by clicking here.

Join my Facebook Group for more interactive discussions.

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402 thoughts on “17 Tips on How to Score High and Pass Post UTME Exam 2024”

  1. Good day sir, uhm i scored 237 in jamb and my school choice is uniport my course is medicine and surgery i really don’t know what subject there will set. I ask around and someone told me there will set general paper, sir can you pls explain that to me thanks.

  2. Good day sir, uhm i scored 237 in jamb and my school choice is uniport my course is medicine and surgery i really don’t know what subject there will set. I ask around and someone told me theer will set general paper, sir can you pls explain that to me thanks.

  3. Good day sir.
    I got 253 in my utme examination and I want to study computer science at Ibadan do I have a high chance of gaining admission.
    I also want to know the amount of score I need in the post utme to ensure a high chance of admission.
    Thank you.

    • Opeyemi,

      You stand a chance for admission.

      But you must prepare hard to get a high score in your Post UTME exam.

    • Fiyinfoluwa,

      Your JAMB score is low for Mass Communication at OAU.

      But, you stand a chance for admission if you get a high score in your Post UTME exam.

  4. Hello sir,
    Please what are the points awarded to O’level grades(A1-F9) for UNN and Unizik screening ?
    I also want to know if post utme exam will be written this year for both universities or it will be screening?

  5. Sir, I scored 201 in JAMB and I want to study Economics at Delsu, is my JAMB score okay for that course, or I should change it now

    • Mackson,

      You stand a chance for admission if you get a high score in your Post UTME.

      It is a bit late now to change your course.

      Good luck.

  6. Faith
    I scored 278 in utme and I want t o study law in Unilag
    How do I prepare for my post utme cos I’ve already bought the form
    2. The deadline to upload o’level result is August 13 and I don’t know if waec result will be out before then plus Unilag is not using this year’s neco I’m just confused

  7. Pls sir
    Am really confused
    Fr and I don’t know what to do next
    To be sincere all I was targeting was to score above 180 which is FUTA cut off mark
    Buh later I scored 198 ,I was happy at first cus I past the cut off mark
    My dream course is being an electrical and electronics engineer
    Buh all hope is low now
    Cus I noticed recently that I stand a low chance of getting admission ???
    Even after checking for state university
    I haven’t seen a convincing university accepting second choice
    And I don’t want to land in poly

    • Hello Ajibola,

      What you have to do is to apply to a State University as your first choice.

      Your JAMB score is low for FUTA, but you stand a good chance in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  8. Good day sir, I had 234 and I am aspiring to study human nutrition and dietetics in UI. Please is there hope for me sir?

    • Yes, Victoria

      You stand a chance for admission.

      But, you need to study hard to get a high score in the Post UTME exams.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  9. Please i scored 226 in my JAMB, I know my chances are low but with post utme, do I have a little hope. And what should I target in post utme?

  10. Good day sir
    Please sir,I scored 200 in jamb, I want to study linguistics in uniport. Sir I’m I qualified to write their post utme?
    If yes, what are the subjects combination sir

    • Otomi,

      You are qualified to sit for the Post UTME exam.

      The subject combination for Linguistics is One Arts and two (2) other subjects.

  11. Do I stand a chance of getting admission with 241 into UI to study communication and language arts.,….,…..

    • Yes, Joseph

      You stand a good chance for admission.

      Ensure you get a high score in your Post UTME exams.

      Good luck.

  12. Can I study mbbs with 257 in unilorin with a good o’level result because last year’s cut off mark is 260 and the performance of students this year is low so I think it might drop what do you think

  13. Hi good day sir,I scored 183 in jamb and I want to study electrical engineering in petroleum training institute (PTI) effurun,what are my chances of getting admitted ?

  14. Good day sir
    I scored 195 in my jamb
    And i want to study public administration
    Please what is the cut off for it in uniport, unilag and unical
    And the post utme too

  15. 1. Sir I got 208 in JAMB and I want to study med rehab in UNN,
    what are my chances?
    2. If I got a chance what do I have to score I have to score in POST UTME.

      • Please do i stand a chance to study history and international studies at unilorin with subjects combination in wasce:eng,maths,econs,govt,civ marketing,yor, irs and biology
        And in jamb eng, maths, econs and irs. and jamb score of 210

        • Yes, you have a chance to study History and International Studies at the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) with your WAEC subject combination of English, Mathematics, Economics, Government, Civic Education, Marketing, Yoruba, Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), and Biology.

          According to the UNILORIN JAMB subject combination for History and International Studies, you need to pass five subjects in the UTME, including Use of English, Mathematics, and one Social Science subject. Your subject combination fulfills these requirements as you have passed English, Mathematics, Economics, Government, and Civic Education.

          But, you will need to get a high score in your Post UTME to stand a good chance for admission.

  16. Good day sir
    Please sir, I scored 241 in my JAMB to study law in UNN,can I get admission and what should be my target for post UTME
    Pls sir I got F9 in my literature but used combining method for waec and nabteb what’s my fate for gaining admission

  17. Good day sir
    Please sir, I scored 241 in my JAMB to study law in UNN,can I get admission and what should be my target for post UTME

  18. Good Day sir
    Please I scored 260 in jamb and I want to study law at UNIBEN… Do I stand a chance? What should be my post utme score? How is the post utme score graded? How many questions are asked in UNIBEN post utme? Please just tell me few important things I need to know about UNIBEN…

  19. Sir can I get admission in uniben I got 196 in my jamb
    You talked about jamb and post utme combination?

    • Mercy,

      It seems the school does not conduct Post UTME screening exams.

      If they do, it would be a CBT test on your JAMB subject combination.

  20. sir i scored 248 in my post utme to study mass com in unizik do i have a chance and pls what is unizik format ad is it the same subject combination bcos i wrote , eng,ecos,lit and govt in utme so will i write the same sub combo in unizik posa utme.love ur work

  21. My name is Olamo Victoria
    l had 259 in my jamb and l applied for electrical engineering in UI, do l stand a chance for admission at UI?

    • Yes, Victoria

      You do stand a chance for admission to study Electrical Engineering at UI.

      But you will need to get a high score in your Post UTME to meet the cut off mark.

  22. My name is olamo Victoria
    I had 259 in my jamb and l applied for electrical engineering in UI do l stand a chance for admission in UI?

  23. Please sir I scored 174 in my jamb will I be able to study SLT in polytechnic port Harcourt and please what is there format they use

  24. Please sir, I scored 174 in my jamb can I be able to study SLT in polytechnic port Harcourt and what is the format they use

  25. I got 163 in jamb I was to study sociology at funai what should be my target in my post UTME
    And I got E8 in literature
    Do I have the chance of getting admission

  26. Hello ma.. Pls i have 162 of jamb score, what are my target score to have in post utme! So that i can study public health in FUTO..after i will switch to med surg..pls ma i need more information..

  27. Please I got 260 as jamb score, do I stand a chance of getting admission into absu to study nursing and please what is their post Utme formag

    • Hello Ngozi,

      You have a chance but your POST UTME score has to contribute to it and ABSU uses the screening format. If you have very good grades, you can be certain of admission.

  28. Sir, what are my chances of getting into OAU with a jamb score of 282.I want to study law, but I must confess that my preparations for the post utme are not good

    • Hello Omotayo,

      Your score gives you an advantage but your POST UTME contributes to increasing your chance.

      Let’s hope that all goes well.

  29. Sir, I said scored 187 in jamb, please which score should I target in post utme.School of choice is RSUST and i want to study marine engineering.

  30. Good evening
    I picked federal university of Health Sciences Ila Orangun and nursing science as a course, pls what should I be reading for my post utme exam??

    I’m really confused, the school didn’t ave past questions.

    • Dear Victoria,

      You can read your textbooks for now, though it has not been confirmed whether the POST UTME will be a screening or an examination.

  31. Good day sir/ma
    I scored 180 in jamb, Do i stand a chance to study (MLS) Medical laboratory science In ila orangun federal university… And moreover when is the post utme form coming out?

    • Dear Aborode,

      You reached the cut-off mark though your chance is slim. Nevertheless, you can apply but getting it will be dependent on both your POST-UTME score and the aggregate cut-off mark of the department.

  32. Good day. please am confused, I got d7 in lit in english. And i scored 202 in jamb with eng,govt,econs,crs. Do i stand a chance to study psychology in unilorin?

  33. hello sir what are my chances of getting into fuhsio osun state Ila orangun with 208 for medicine and surgery pls sir this is urgent

  34. Pls ma!
    I scored 235 in utme exams applying for law at funai while their cutoff mark is 240.
    My Question is that,Can i get admission to the university and what post-utme score should target for since is over 100?

  35. Good day sir…my name is divine
    And I scored 226 in jamb
    School of choice is LASCON
    Am abt to take post utme and I have no clue of wah am going up against

    My mind keeps telling me am not prepared
    But my dad has enrolled me for the exam already
    Giving me a choice either I pass the post utme or I forget school

    Am scared really scared
    I’ve googled virtually everything abt this school and I found out their cut off mark for post utme is 45%
    Judging from an over 400 total Dah says 180 is the minimum score

    Sir please an advice
    Am loosing my mind

    • Dear Innocent,

      First of all, I’ll advise you to calm down first. I know you’re under a lot of pressure but being overwhelmed by it will do you no good.

      You can reach out to me through this email and we’ll talk. [email protected]

      We’re quite interested in your success.

  36. Sir,I scored 249 in JAMB for History in OAU
    Do I stand a chance?
    What should be my target for the POST UTME?
    When will the exam be?
    And I also need the syllabus for OAU
    Thanks ??

    • Hello Kemi,

      I hope preparations for your Post UTME exams are going well.

      To answer all your questions, read my post on Passing the OAU Post UTME exams with the link below.

      It would give you all you need to know about gaining admission to the Obafemi Awolowo University.

      How to Pass OAU Post UTME Examination

      Let me know if you have any further questions.

  37. Hello sir, thanks for this article.
    My questions are
    1. As a UNILAG aspirant, I don’t really like maths……how can I overcome the fear of studying mathematics.
    2. I did my waec in a school different from the one I graduated from……is it advisable to use different school names for ssce?
    Hope u understand sir.

    Thank you for your time sir.

    • Hello Damilola,

      1. It is normal to feel afraid of math subjects.

      You must study and practice maths problems as often as possible to overcome your fear.

      Watching Maths tutorials on YouTube would help you excel in Mathematics.

      You can read my post using the link below to see the best strategy to pass the UNILAG maths exam.


      2. I don’t get your second question.

      You would have to clarify for me.

  38. Hello, I scored 238 in my jamb and I want to study medicine and surgery in UNN. What score should I target in post utme?

    • Hello Abigail,

      Your JAMB score is low to get you admission for Medicine and Surgery at UNN.

      You will have to consider switching to a less competitive course.

    • Treasure,

      You do not have an excellent chance to get Medicine at RSU.

      But with a high Post UTME score, you stand a chance to get admission at the Rivers State University.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  39. Sir what are my chances to getting admission into unizik’s to study radiography and what should be my target post utme screen

    Also, what is the format for their post utme examination

    • Oteke,

      You stand a low chance to get Law at ABU Zaria.

      You should consider changing to a less competitive course.

      Let me know if you need further clarifications.

    • Yes, Isaac

      You stand a chance if you get a high Post UTME score.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

    • Yes, Isaac

      You stand a chance if you get a high Post UTME score.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

    • Yes, Isaac

      You stand a chance if you get a high Post UTME score.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  40. Sir I scored 210
    I choosed medicine and surgery in UNIBEN
    I know my score is too low for it
    Pls wat other medical course can I change to to secure admission

    • Hello Stephanie,

      With your JAMB score, you have only got a shot at Anatomy or Physiology.

      Have you thought about switching to courses in the Biological Sciences like Microbiology, Biochemistry, etc?

    • Hello Racheal,

      You stand a good chance to get admission to Computer Science at Kogi State University.

      Target to score above 60% in your Post UTME screening.

  41. I scored 243 in Jamb and i want to know what’s my chances to study Law in RSUST and what score should i be aiming at for the post utme exam

    • Hello Precious,

      You stand a chance of getting Law at Rivers State University.

      From your JAMB score, you have an aggregate of 30.

      You need to get above 80/100 in your RSU Post UTME exams.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

      Wish you success with your admission.

    • Yes, Asisat

      You are good to go.

      Ensure you get a high score in your Post UTME exams.

      Wish you success with your examination.

    • Hello Clinton,

      You stand a good chance of getting Medicine at Rivers State University.

      Ensure you get a high score in your Post UTME exams.

      Wish you success with your admission.

    • Hello Dammy,

      You stand a chance of getting Pharmacy at UNILAG.

      But you will need to get a high score in your Post UTME to boost your aggregate score to meet the cut off mark.

  42. Sir, what score do I need to get in post utme to gain admission to study medicine in Delsu with a jamb score of 295?

    • Hello Janet,

      You have a good JAMB score for Medicine at DELSU.

      Target a score above 85 in your Post UTME exam.

      I wish you success with your admission.

  43. Hello sir, thanks for this useful post. Before the exam, are the official going to ask for any print out?
    What are the rules and regulations for the online exam?

    • Hello Dorcas,

      I trust your Post UTME exam preparations are going well.

      What school’s Post UTME exam are you referring to in your question.

  44. 1. My chances of getting admission into FUNAI to study law with the jamb score of 264.
    2.My target score for post utme
    3. The nature of the post utme examination
    4.Funai post utme past questions and answers
    5. Probability of score FUNAI coins from jamb inclusive of the post utme to make final analysis for admission of a candidate.,.

    • 1. You stand a chance if you get a high score in your Post UTME exams. If you are from Ebonyi State, you can consider switching to EBSU to increase your chances of admission.

      2. Target over 80% of the Post UTME score.

      3. Check the FUNAI Post UTME format here.

      4. You can get the Post UTME questions at FUNAI or get someone to send them to your location.

      5. I do not get your last question.

  45. Sir, Could you please get me notified on the possible post utme score I should target 2022.
    Course: Law
    School: FUNAI
    Jamb score: 264

  46. Sir, Could you please get me notified on the possible post utme score I should target 2022.
    Course: Law
    School: FUNAI
    Jamb score: 264

  47. You said one can write post UTME in two schools and that sometimes students complete one postUTME and change institution to do another post UTME. You then said one should be careful not to violate JAMB guidelines, is this a violation of JAMB guidelines? JAMB is so silent about so many things. What exactly is the JAMB guideline for this kind of scenario?

    • Concerning writing Post UTME in two Universities.

      It depends on the admission policy in the other school and the time of the Post UTME screening.

      For example, you can switch to another school after taking the Post UTME in your first choice. It will be possible if JAMB allows the Change of Course.

      My advice for you is to apply to a school you have a good chance of admission.

      Get a good Post UTME score.

  48. Sir I still find it difficult that FUNAAB would stop an applicant from being admitted for Engineering because of Biology. I checked eligibility checker in IBASS and it returned I ma eligible but the brochure for FUNAAB says Biology is compulsory. I am confused. FUNAAB is my first choice. I scored 259 for mechatronics Engineering.

    Do you have an idea when Uniben would begin admission process for those of us who just took our UTME for 2022 in May?

    Lastly do both FUNAAB and Uniben accept 2 O level sittings?

    • Hello Adeleke,

      FUNAAB and UNIBEN accept two (2) O’level result.

      The date for UNIBEN Post UTME is not yet out. It will take place at the end of the ASUU strike.

      You need Biology in your O’level to study Engineering at FUNAAB.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  49. Hello sir, I want to know what my target score should be in post UTME in the University of Ibadan with 294 for Theatre Arts.

  50. I scored 225 in jamb and i want to study nursing in unizik or absu. First of all, what are my chances? Secondly, what post utme score am i to aim?
    Thirdly, what are the post utme format for both unizik and absu?

  51. Ma pls i got 225 in jamb and i want to attend unizik for nursing science and my unizik cut off mark is 160 but jamb cut off for nursing is 270. What are my chances and what should i do?

  52. Sir pls can i have hope of getting medicine and surgery at UNIPORT with a score of 191 and a better post-utme score,what should be my target score for p-utme

  53. Please l got 278 in JAMB can I pick the form for UST or uniport to study medicine and surgery
    Guide me I don’t want to make a mistake

    • Hello Beloveth,

      You will have a higher chance with UST because of lesser competition compared to UNIPORT.

      Though, UNIPORT is the best option for Medicine.

      Try to get a good Post UTME score.

  54. Please I scored 278 in JAMB can I study medicine in either UST or uniport
    Guide me please I don’t want to make a mistake

    • Yes, Peculiar

      You stand a chance but a low one.

      It would be advisable to apply to a state university.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

    • Yes, Peculiar

      You stand a chance but a low one.

      It would be advisable to apply to a state university.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

    • No, Binta

      Your JAMB score is low for MBBS.

      You should consider a less competitive course.

      Let me know if you need further assistance.

  55. Pls can one get med and surg with 253 in coou ?? Chances?
    And there putme , how are the questions arranged and the number of questions customized to each subject?? Thanks

  56. Applied for pharmacy at usman danfodio university sokoto and is scored 169 in jamb and they said I can’t be able to study pharmacy with the mark now I want to change course to study biochemistry, please sir can I be able to study it

    • Yes, David.

      YOu would need to get a good Post UTME score.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

    • Yes, Confidence

      It depends on if you can get over 75% in your Post UTME exams.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

    • Yes, Confidence

      It depends on if you can get over 75% in your Post UTME exams.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

    • You will have to target above 65% in your Post UTME.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

      Good luck.

  57. Sir I scored 223 in my jamb and I want to study mechanical engineering at fupre what score should I target at my post utme and I don’t even know the total for their post utme

    • Ogaga,

      You stand a chance to get Mechanical Engineering in FUPRE with 223.

      Target to score above 65% in your Post UTME screening.

      Let me know if you need further guidance.

      Good luck.

  58. I got 147 in my jamb and am go for theatre art and score is low for it can I change to my 3rd choice mass comunication.

    • Hello Bella,

      Your JAMB score is low for Theatre Arts and Mass Communication at the University.

      But your JAMB score is okay for Mass Communication at the Polytechnic.

      Let me know if you need further assistance.

  59. I scored 252 I’m my Jamb and I want to study computer science in uniben, what do I require in my post utme to be guaranteed of admission? And what is the format for the post utme?

  60. I got 199 to study nursing at the River State University of science and technology
    How do I make my post utme
    So I can reach the cut off mark

  61. Good day sir, i scored 159 in jamb and am pursuing for business administration in Delta State University of Ozoro, please what should be my target. Am i fit for the UTME exams?

  62. Please sir,I scored 177 in jamb and I chose yabatech as the school of my choice. What should be my target score in post utme and please what are yabatech post utme format.

  63. I got 198 in my jamb and am going for anatomy at futa …. Do I still have a chance for admission and what should be my target In the post utme

  64. Please sir when will FUTA post UTME registration form be out for 2021/2022. What should be my target in the post UTME exam(course mechanical engineering)

  65. please i scored 176 in my jamb and my course is mass comm. In yabatech.
    Pls what are my chances?
    What are my post utme combinations

    • It is a score above the Pharmacy cut off mark that can guarantee you admission.

      I advise that you work towards getting above 320 in your Post UTME.

  66. I scored 199 in Jamb to study Public Health in IMSU, what are my chances of admission?
    How is the UTME format (subjects too)
    WAEC- B3(English,maths,economics,chemistry, tech drawing), B2(Agric), A1(igbo), C5( physics,biology)

  67. I have 210 in jamb…and I want to study computer science with economics in OAU what are my chances
    And what are the subject combination for OAU same course

    • You must have English Language, Mathematics Physics and other two science subjects to get admission for Computer Science.

      The OAU Post UTME exam has a similar subject combination as that of your JAMb.

  68. I scored 152. I choose PAAU ANYIGBA as my first choice of institution. I wanted to study PA there’s any hope for me and please enlighting me more for their format. PAAU post-utme is out now

  69. Hi. Please can I get the Post-Utme format for University of Medical Sciences, Ondo. Also, I scored 198 in Jamb and I want to study Microbiology.

    • Hello, Esther

      You stand a chance to study Microbiology at UNIMED.

      The UNIMED Post UTME exam is fifty (50) questions for 30minutes.

      You will answer questions in Mathematics, English Language, Physics, Biology and Chemistry.

  70. I got 190 in jamb,and I want study theatre art
    And the school of my choice is delsu
    Is it possible?
    And I need reliable past questions for theatre art in delsu

    • Ruth,

      I cannot hundred per cent confirm the Post UTME format for the Federal University of Otokue.

      But my best bet is that the Post UTME questions will cover your JAMB subject combination plus current affairs or quantitative reasoning.

    • Timileyun,

      I may not be able to help you with the soft copy of the FUTA past questions.

      Check for it at bookshops in your town.

      Good luck.

  71. Please about Rsust post Utme Examination format, I want to know how many questions they set for each subject and the possible score you can get to be sure you passed the examination and how to calculate my aggregate together with my jamb score. Thank you

  72. For people that applied for computer science in uniben. What is the post utme subjects combination? But in jamb chemistry is not compulsory ,Or could it be the subjects a person in jamb ?

  73. I scored 202 in jamb and the course to study at oou is Business Administration pls what score should i be hoping for at post utme

    • Ajike,

      You have a high chance to get Business Administration in OOU.

      Target a score above 60/100 in your Post UTME.

  74. I scored 172 in jamb and i want to apply for edo state university post utme screening,so i need the post utme format for edo state university

    • The format for Edo State University Post UTME is forty questions for 30 minutes.

      You will answer questions in English, Math and Current Affairs.

  75. Sir, i score 150 and i want to study chemical engineering at fuotuoke, is they hope to go further for post utme?, and pls check fuo fomat for me

  76. Good day sir how can I get tasued and fuoye post utme past questions and how many subject is to be written in post utme both tasued and fuoye

  77. Good day,I had 255 in my jamb and the cutoff mark in unilorin for law is 260 and also I am an indigene of kwara state can I be giving law or I have to switch to another course to be granted admission and also Please when will unilorin post utme form be out.Thanks. I will be waiting for your reply.Thank you.

    • Do you mean that the cut-off mark for Law for the last admission session?

      Cut off marks are determined every academic session based on the general performance of students in both the JAMB and Post UTME.

      With the general performance in the last JAMB, you still stand of chance of admission.

      The General cut-off mark is likely to reduce from 260.

      Switching to a less competitive course will increase your chances of admission.

      I cannot say for sure when the Post UTME form will be out.

    • Hello, Comfort

      A JAMB score of 200 is above the general JAMB cut off mark for Nursing in LAUTECH.

      But as you know, Nursing is a competitive course in LAUTECH.

      You need to prepare and study for the Post UTME screening.

      It is how you will stand a chance to get admission for Nursing.

  78. Plz help out, i scored 178 in jamb n i want to study BIOchemistry education (NCE) in AKSCOE. Do i get any chance of being admitted, n if i do wat’z their exam format. And plz wat should i read in preparatn Of their post utme. Thanks

    • Yes, Gift

      You have a good chance to get Biochemistry Education in AKSCOE.

      Unfortunately, I do not sure of the Post UTME format for AKSCOE.

      Let me know if you find the screening exam format.

      I wish you success in your admission pursuit.

  79. Heyy Sir.. Good afternoon
    I got 152 and wants to study at Funai for computer science… Can I gain admission into the school with a higher Post utme results…

    Please what’s their format on calculating the exams. Thank you and remain blessed

    • Yes, Frank.

      It is possible for you to gain admission to study Computer Science.

      The general cut-off mark for FUNAI is 150.

      You will need to put in a good performance at the Post UTME.

      I wish you success.

    • Good day sir I would love to know pti post utme format? I scored 162 in jamb my choice of study is petroleum engineering what are my chances of getting admission sir?

      • Hello, Etarigho

        The Post UTME exam question format is the same as the JAMB examination.

        You will write the same subject combination as your JAMB.

        Also, you stand a chance to gain admission for Petroleum Engineering. You just have to perform well in your Aptitude test.

    • The University of Calabar conducts a computer-based test for the screening exam.

      UNICAL Post JAMB exam is the same format and subject combination with your JAMB.

      You will answer hundred (100) questions for ninety (90) minutes.

      The UNICAL aggregate score calculation is by dividing your JAMB score by 8.

      Also, divide your Post UTME score by two (2) to get your aggregate score.

    • The FULOKOJA Post UTME exam format is the same as the JAMB subject combination.

      It means that you will write the same subject as in your main JAMB exam.

    • Hello, Favour

      You have got a good JAMB score for Nursing at Rivers State University.

      The format for RSU Post UTME is English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Current Affairs and Quantitative Reasoning.

      You will see your Post UTME immediately after the exam.

      I wish you success.

  80. Sir what is the aggregate score for International studies & diplomacy in UNIBEN, i score 228 in jamb for law,but i will change of course to ISD

    • The cut-off mark for International Studies for the last session is 50.

      With your JAMB score, you should target to score above 60 in the Post UTME.

      Good luck, Gibby.

  81. Sir pls I got 159 in jamb and I have one A1 and one C4 and d rest are B2 and B3s
    My first choice in jamb is Esut and I want to study pharmacy, while my second choice is IMT and I want to study biochemistry .
    Do I have hope to get admission in any of the two school’s
    And also what is the format of their post utme

    • Joy,

      A JAMB score of 159 cannot get you Pharmacy at ESUT.

      However, you have a good chance to study Biochemistry at IMT.

      The IMT Post UTME exam format is the same as your JAMB exam subject combination.

    • Hello please I’m unable to get my schools post Utme past questions for ABU zaria is it okay to use jamb past questions to guide me and also how can I get my schools syllabus .Thank you .

      • Yes, Mama

        You can make use of the JAMB past questions.

        The ABU Zaria Post UTME syllabus is the same as the JAMB syllabus.

        It is just like preparing for JAMB all over again. But this time, smarter kind of way.

        But still, make effort to get the ABU Zaria Post UTME past questions.

        Check out big bookshops in your area.

    • Naheem,

      ABU ZARIA Post UTME format is the same as JAMB.

      That is, you will write the same subject combination as your JAmb.

      It is 60 questions for one hour.

      15 questions for each of your subject combinations.

    • UNIPORT Post UTME exam format is CBT.

      You will answer 50 questions for 30 minutes.

      The question format is your JAMB subject combination plus mathematics and quantitative reasoning.

  82. Good day sir..
    I got 189 in my jamb and I want to study petroleum engineering at futo.
    What are my chances, sir?
    And if I do have a chance at it sire, please can I get the syllabus?

    • Nmesoma,

      Your chances are quite low.

      You should consider trying out a State University to increase your chances of gaining admission.

  83. Pls sir I am confused I wrote English, government, Crs and literature. And I applied for UNIABUJA I don’t know if Economics is compulsory for Law.

    • Winner, you are on track.

      You can use CRS in place of Economics.

      So, you do not have any problem with your subject combination.

  84. Good day sir ..

    I chose unilag as my first choice to study mechanical engineering which I intend to change to computer engineering and my jamb score is 221
    I had 2As in chemistry and civic
    C6 in animal husbandry and
    6B3s in the remaining 6 subjects I wrote in wassce ..please sir what are my chances..cos I’m considering the fact that unilag has lots aspirants. hence ,I’m thinking of changing my school choice to either FUTA or FUNAAB…help sir I’m really confuse and worried ?

    • Hello, Anita

      Your O’level result is okay.

      But, your JAMB score seems to put you at a disadvantage position.

      It is possible for you to get Computer Engineering at UNILAG. But, you’d need to do well in your Post UTME.

      Changing your school of choice to FUTA or FUNAAB would definitely increase your chances of gaining admission.

  85. Sir I would like to know how many questions for futo post utme and also if am qualified to write futo post utme with my jamb score of 185??

    • The format for FUTO Post UTME is your four JAMB subject combination plus Biology.

      1. Mathematics

      2. English

      3. Physics

      4. Chemistry

      5. Biology

      You answer five questions for each of the five subjects.

      Each question carries eight (8) marks.

      The FUTO Post UTME examination is graded over 400.

    • Badmus,

      Your JAMB score is low to get you admission into LAUTECH.

      Consider getting admission to the Polytechnic while you wait for LAUTECH to release their cut off mark.

    • Adeola,

      It is pretty straightforward.

      Make UNIABUJA your first choice in your JAMB form.

      Thereafter, you will buy the Post UTME form from the University.

  86. Please I scored 213 in jamb. Can i get nursing in delsu with a good post utme score and what was the last year delsu cut off mark for nursing. Thank you

    • DELSU Nursing cut off mark for last year is 60.

      You need to get a Post UTME score of above 67 to beat the cut off mark.

    • Well, Promise.

      It depends on the University that you are applying to study Medical Laboratory Science.

      A JAMB score of 243 with a good Post UTME performance should get you the course.

  87. sir I scored 263 in jamb and I applied for abia state uni…
    pls aw is their post utme format.. and did o stand a chance of been admitted

    • IMSU Post UTME format is English, Mathematics and Current Affairs.

      Here is the number of questions for each subject;

      English Language – 20

      Mathematics – 10

      Current Affairs – 10

      The time for the exam is 30 minutes.

  88. Pls sir Format for FUTO post utme for petroleum engineering and with jamb score of 188 am free to Pls sir Format for FUTO post utme for petroleum engineering and with jamb score of 188 am free to go

    • Moses,

      The format for FUTO Post UTME is your four JAMB subject combination plus Biology.

      1. Mathematics

      2. English

      3. Physics

      4. Chemistry

      5. Biology

      You answer five questions for each of the five subjects.

      Each question carries eight (8) marks.

      The FUTO Post UTME examination is graded over 400.

      You can gain admission if you get a good score in your Post UTME.

  89. Format for FUTO post utme for petroleum engineeFormat for FUTO post utme for petroleum engineeFormat for FUTO post utme for petroleum engineeFormat for FUTO post utme for petroleum engineering

  90. Sir, pls, i need you make me understand this,” Is the use calculator allowed in unn post utme exams?”

  91. Bro please I got 252 in my jamb and I want to study law in unn, post utme aside.
    What’s bothering me is that I want to use Neco result..please am I good to go?? Or is anything wrong with Neco results

  92. pls sir i scored 228 in my jamb and i want to study mass communication in federal university lokoja…pls what subject will i registered in post utme and pls what’s there post utme format…

    • You stand a chance of getting admission for Mass Communication.

      The Post UTME is over 5 marks.

      You will divide your JAMB score by 8 plus your Post UTME score.

      Also, you don’t get to register any subject in your Post UTME.

  93. pls sir,i scored 228 in my jamb and i want to study mass communication in federal university lokoja..pls sir what subject will i write and what’s there post utme format

  94. Pls i need help. I scored 196 in my jamb and i want to study medicine in UNN as first choice and ESUT as second but as i can see the situation has change .pls i need advice:whether to change the institutions and course. I really need advice on what to do.

    • Change your first choice institution to ESUT.

      Also, a JAMB score of 195 may not get you Medicine and Surgery in ESUT.

      I advise you to change to a less competitive course at ESUT.

  95. Hello I score 238 in jamb and I want to study Law in Rivers state university
    What is my target score for post UTME.
    What are the formats of Post UTME exam,the subjects I’m to take during the exam. And how there calculate the scores
    And how would you suggest I prepare for their post utme

    • Rivers State University Post UTME is an aptitude test.

      You will be asked questions in current affairs, quantitative reasoning, the English language, etc.

      Target to get a high score in your Post UTME to stand a chance with the admission for Law.

  96. I score 234 in jamb and I want to study accounting in UNILAG.
    What is my target score for post UTME.
    What are the formats of Post UTME exam,the subjects I’m to take during the exam.

    • The format for UNILAG Post UTME is 40 questions in English Language (20 questions), Mathematics (20 questions) and Current affairs (10 questions) for 30 minutes.

      UNILAG cut off mark for Accounting last session is 69.825.

      The aggregate score is calculated by dividing your JAMB score by 8 plus the grade of five compulsory O’level grade and your Post UTME score.

      O’level Grade

      A1 = 4.0
      B2 = 3.6
      B3 = 3.2
      C4 = 2.8
      C5 = 2.4
      C6 = 2.0


      JAMB score/8 + Post UTME score + O’level grade score = UNILAG aggregate score

    • What course are you applying for?

      Yes, you have a chance of getting admission to UNIZIK if the University JAMB cut off mark is pegged at 160.

      Last year, UNIZIK used the O’level results for Post UTME.

      Ensure that you go for a less competitive course.

      • You are not qualified to write UNN Post UTME except the University set her JAMB cut off mark below 180.

        Do a JAMB change of institution to a State University.

        Also, pursue your admission at the Polytechnic.

    • You can calculate your UNN aggregate score by multiplying your JAMB score by 0.6.

      Then, multiply your Post UTME score by 0.4.

      Add both figures to get your aggregate score.

      Note that UNN may decide to use a different formula for this year Post UTME like a 50:50 ratio.

      The good thing is that when you print your Post UTME result, you would see your JAMB, Post UTME and Aggregate score. No need to do the calculation yourself.


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