UNEC Crossover Guide for Second Year Students 2024

I welcome you to the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. The dream is here at UNEC.

I hope you had a wonderful stay at the Nsukka Campus.

Congratulations, by the way, on your successful crossing over to Enugu Campus.

The first year in Nsukka can be stressful with the practical, GSP presentations, CBT exams, and what have you.

Well, at this point, I must tell you about your experience at Nsukka Campus. It is child’s play compared to what you will now face in Enugu Campus.

I’m not saying this to frighten you. Why would I want to do that?

But it would help if you got a clue about the challenges in UNEC.

As a crossover student, I know your first challenge is securing accommodation at UNEC. Whether at the hostel or off-campus housing.

Well, you must read Lodges in UNEC and Hostel Accommodation.

The post contains all the information about accommodation in Enugu Campus.

It will give you a clue about what the hostels in UNEC look like and the cost of living off-campus in Enugu.

Also, check out the second-year course outline for the College of Medicine. You will get access to download soft copies of College materials and past questions.

Let’s get back on track with the UNEC crossover guide for second-year students.

In this post, I will explain everything you need to know to settle down in UNEC as a crossover student.

You will find this post helpful if you are a crossover student of the following departments in the UNEC College of Medicine;

  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Rehabilitation
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Nursing Science
  • Radiography and Radiological Science
  • Human Anatomy
  • Molecular Biology
  • Human Physiology

You can ask me any questions about UNEC using the comment box at the bottom of this page.

Crossing Over to UNEC Enugu Campus

man and woman looking at a laptop

I remember having mixed feelings a few years ago when I crossed to UNEC.

A part of me was happy to arrive at the much-talked-about UNEC campus. It felt like my dreams have come true.

But at the same time, I was anxious about the difficulty of the College courses I was about to face.

Mostly, my fears came from the testimonies of my senior colleagues.

UNEC, go humble,” they will always say to me.

I now understand the message they were trying to pass on to me.

The truth is that the challenges here at UNEC are enormous. It will try to break you into pieces.

It could get to the point that you would feel like giving up on your academics.

Fortunately, this post will give you the necessary information to excel in UNEC.

UNEC Faculty of Basic Medical Science

There are three departments in the UNN Faculty of Basic Medical Science;

  • Department of Human Anatomy
  • Department of Molecular Biochemistry
  • Department of Human Physiology


In this post, I will use the words College courses or College to represent these three departments.

UNEC Course Registration

Your first activity in UNEC will be College course registration. It is a manual process of registering the various College courses.

The registration involves you paying a certain amount of money with documentation of your details.

You will do manual course registration at the three departments in the UNN College of Medicine.

Do not confuse manual registration with the school’s online registration.

You would still submit your online course registration slip to the departments.

The amount for the course registration is between two thousand to three thousand five hundred naira for each course.

You pay a penalty fee if you register after the deadline.

The problem is that many students do not take the deadline seriously.

Don’t be in that category of students, or else you will experience frustration.

I advise you to do everything possible to register before the end of the deadline.

Even if you are in Lagos, make every move to do your registration.

You can get someone to register on your behalf if it is possible.

Your Class Representative will give you all the information about the manual course registration.

UNEC Manual Course Registration

Here is the list of manual registrations for UNEC crossover students;

  • Faculty of Basic Medical Science clearance
  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Physiology
  • Faculty of Basic Medical Science Registration
  • Handbook

Crossover Orientation

Crossover orientation is an event by the Faculty of Basic Medical Science.

The aim is to give crossover students the necessary information to excel in College.

In addition, each department in the College will organize a separate orientation ceremony.

Your department, fellowships, and senior colleagues will give you an orientation about UNEC.

It is necessary to attend these orientations because they are what you need to get started.

UNEC College Courses

There are three college courses in UNEC.

  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Physiology


Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body. It explains your whole body framework.

The course is in two sections;

  • Gross Anatomy
  • Histology

Gross Anatomy

Gross anatomy is macroscopic anatomy. It is the study of the human body that you can see with the naked eye.

For example, studying the muscles in your abdomen is gross anatomy.

Gross here means something tangible.

The first topic you will learn in gross anatomy is anatomical positions.

See the topics in gross anatomy in the second-year course outline.


Histology is microscopic anatomy that studies cells and tissues of the body.

The study deals with the human body structures you cannot see with the naked eye.

In histology, you will use a microscope to study tissue sections.

You will start with histological processing methods before moving into the study of the different types of tissues.

Second-semester histology concerns the systemic histological study of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).


Biochemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of chemical processes in living organisms.

The second-year course outline comprises the biochemistry of biomolecules and Metabolism.

You will start your lectures with the Chemistry of carbohydrates and end with Nucleic acids for your first semester.

The second semester will be about Metabolism and molecular tools.

You must read how to pass Metabolism in UNEC by MBBS distinction students.

The key to passing UNEC biochemistry is to attend lectures and practice questions.

During class, your lecturer will give the area of concentration (AOC) though not directly.


Physiology is studying the body’s normal functioning or normal processes that ensure that the body functions normally.

The course is in six segments;

  • Blood Physiology
  • Excitable Tissues
  • Respiratory Physiology
  • Renal Physiology
  • Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) Physiology
  • Cardiovascular Physiology

In the course outline, you will see the classification and topics of the different aspects of physiology.

Note that the lecture on respiratory physiology takes place in the first semester.

MBBS students will take the exam in the first semester. Other students will write the exam in the second semester.

UNEC Practical

You will take practical classes for the three departments in the College.

The practical session holds once or twice a week for each department.

You will get the practical manual after your manual registration.

Dress Code for Practical

students in the laboratory

Here is the dress code for practicals in UNEC;

  • A long-sleeved and knee-length laboratory gown.
  • Cover shoe
  • Hairnet for the ladies
  • Hand gloves and facemask for dissection

Note that it is only MBBS students that take part in the Anatomy dissection practical.

By MBBS students, I mean students in the following department;

  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Rehabilitation

Venue for Practical

  • Histology Practical – Anatomy department
  • Dissection – Anatomy department
  • Biochemistry Practical – Lagos building (at the front of UNEC library)
  • Physiology Practical – Physiology Laboratory

UNEC College of Medicine Dress Code

UNEC students

Here is the dress code for male and female students in the UNEC College of Medicine;

Male Students

  • Tie – Red or Black tie
  • Shirt – White
  • Trouser – Ash or Black trousers
  • Waistcoat – Any colour to match (optional)

You can wear a multi-coloured designer tie. It doesn’t have to be plain red or black. But it should have a touch of red or black.

The waistcoat is not compulsory. It will only give you a classic look like a guy in the College of Medicine.

Also, you can get a cardigan for the cold weather.

Female Students

female student
  • Shirt – White
  • Skirt – Ash or Black

You can add one or two ladies’ complimentary wear to look beautiful. It is your choice but nothing out of place.

Departmental Uniform

UNEC campus students

Here is the departmental dress code for students in UNEC;

Health Sciences

  • Shirt – White
  • Trouser – Black
  • Tie – Red
  • Clinical gown

Faculty of Basic Medical Science

  • Shirt – White
  • Trouser – Black
  • Tie – Ash
  • Shirt – White
  • Skirt – Ash

Right now, you are confused about the difference between departmental and College dress codes.

Well, I will explain it to you.

For example, let’s say that you are a female Nursing Student.

You have your departmental lectures on Mondays and Fridays.

College lectures on Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology holds from Monday to Friday.

You must wear your Clinical gown on Monday and Friday during departmental lectures.

You can then wear white on ash for other days of the week.


You can wear a clinical gown from Monday to Friday.

But, you cannot attend your departmental lectures with white on ash.

Furthermore, you can attend all your College courses with the clinical gown.

UNEC Lecture Venue

unec white house

Students in the College of Medicine are in two groups.

  • Group A
  • Group B

Group A

Group A lecture venue is the White House and Histology Laboratory.

Here are the departments in group A;

  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Rehabilitation & White House

Group B

unec physiology auditorium

Group B’s lecture venue is Physiology Auditorium.

Here are the departments in group B;

  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Nursing Science
  • Radiography
  • Human Anatomy
  • Molecular Biology
  • Human Physiology

Here is the list of recommended textbooks for Medical students in UNEC:

  • Last Anatomy by Chummy Sinnatamby
  • Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank H. Netters
  • Principles of Excitable Tissues and Autonomic Nervous System by D.C. Nwachukwu (PhD.)
  • Blood Physiology Made Like A-B-C by Dr C.J Ossai
  • Wheater’s Functional Histology
  • Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
  • D.M. Vasudevan Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students
  • Excitable Tissues Made Easier Than 1-2-3 by Dr C.J Ossai
  • Fundamentals of Metabolism by Fidelis Ejezie & Joy Ikekpeazu
  • Renal Physiology in Plain Language by Dr C.J Ossai
  • Fundamental Multiple Choice Questions in Medical Physiology by Uchenna Nwagha
  • Respiratory Physiology in Simple English by Dr C.J Ossai
  • Gastrointestinal Physiology by Dr C.J Ossai
  • Cardiovascular Physiology by Dr C.J Ossai
  • Philosophy, Logic and Human Existence
  • Nigerian People and Cultures


You can purchase these books at the UNEC bookshop.

It is not compulsory to buy all the above-listed textbooks.

Tell me your department in the comment box below.

I will tell you the text that you should get to pass your exams.

College of Materials

You can download past questions and old lecture materials using the link below;

How to Pass Exams in UNEC

student studying

Now we have come to the primary purpose of this post.

Right here, I will guide you on how to study and pass your second-year examinations.

Here are the tips on how to pass exams at UNEC College of Medicine;

  • Study with Course Outline
  • Attend Lectures
  • Read Before Your Next Class
  • Take Notes in Class
  • Read, Understand and Remember
  • Join A Study Group
  • Time Management
  • Sleep and Exercise

Study with Course Outline

Studying with the course outline is the key to passing your examinations.

The course outline contains a list of the topics for the first and second semesters. It is from here that lecturers set their questions.

A common mistake UNEC crossover students make is not studying with the course outline.

Some students even study outside the course outline. It is a waste of time.

Ensure that you study using the course outline as a guide.

Attend Lectures

At the beginning of lectures, crossover students attend classes. But by the second semester, students would stop attending class for reasons best known to them.

It is necessary to attend lectures if you want to pass your exams in UNEC.

I remember in my second year, some of the time, I did not understand the lectures. But being in the class facilitated my knowledge of the topic during my studies.

The primary purpose of attending lectures is to get the area of concentration. These are areas that lecturers will keep the emphasis on during the class.

It would be best to jot down the likely exam questions in your note. It will help you during your study for the exam.

Read Before Your Next Class

Your reading before your next class is the key to becoming a distinction student.

This study technique is the secret to getting A’s in your examination.

You must develop yourself to study before your following lecture.

For example, let’s say you have a Brachial Plexus lecture tomorrow on Gross Anatomy.

  • Read old college materials on the brachial plexus.
  • Type Brachial plexus on Google and read the search result
  • Go to YouTube and watch a video on the Brachial plexus.

Now here is the catch. You may not understand what you read because the concept is unfamiliar.

But by the time you attend lectures the next day. A lot of things will add together and make sense for you.

It will give you the advantage of understanding the lecture.

This study technique is not easy. But it would be best if you made an effort to study for your next class. It is why you should work with the course outline.

Take Notes in Class

Taking notes in class will enhance your understanding of topics. Notes in class are easier to understand than textbooks.

Note-taking is a vital study skill for students. It enhances your understanding of topics.

It is easier to understand the notes that you took in class.

Also, you can photocopy or snap your classmates’ notes to compare.

Get close to those who are good at note-taking.

Read, Understand and Remember

Reading, understanding, and remembering are necessary to be a distinction student at UNEC.

You must not read too fast to cover the course outline. The point of reading your course materials is to get a good understanding of the subject.

Test yourself after studying to determine your understanding of the topic.

It would help if you started studying for exams from the first day of the lecture.

Do not wait for materials to compile and choke you.

The fire brigade approach of studying only during tests and exams is unprofitable.

Past questions are a good accessory for studying. Do not wait till the night of your exam before you look at previous years’ questions.

Reading past questions will guide you on the essential points you must know.

Now, here is the best order to study excitable tissues;

  1. Connective tissue histology
  2. Histology of muscle tissue
  3. Nervous tissue histology
  4. Excitable tissue

You will understand excitable if you start your study with these topics in histology.

Never make the mistake of limiting your study to lecture slides.

It is necessary to go the extra mile.

For me, I made use of YouTube, Wikipedia, TeachMeAnatomy, Kenhub, LumenLearning, etc.

These online platforms will help you understand the topics in your course outline.

  • Anatomy – TeachMeAnatomy
  • Histology – Kenhub
  • Excitable Tissues – Wikipedia & LumenLearning

Join A Study Group

Joining a productive study group can enhance understanding and give you retentive memory.

Group study helps to highlight your weak points.

For example, you may think you understand the Anatomy of the Mammary gland. But a student can ask a question about a concept you do not know during group reading.

The best way to learn is to teach what you want to know. Usually, you will try to simplify topics as you explain to members of your group study.

By so doing, you will end up understanding the topic very well.

The problem with group study is that one or two members can lose focus.

It will affect the study group because you might discuss things unrelated to the study plan.

Trust me; it is challenging to create an influential study group.

Ensure you do your homework before sending out invitations for people to join your study group.

A study group should not be more than three (3) to four (4) students.

Peradventure, you do not find a compelling group study. Study on your own and achieve academic success.

Time Management

A good time management schedule is necessary for students in UNEC.

Everything happens so fast in Enugu Campus. You will see a test or exam timetable when you open your eyes.

I like to describe UNEC as one week, one-trouble environment. Wahala no dey finish for College of Medicine.

Students here move from course registration to standing in a long queue.

You have to learn how to manage your time. Do not get carried away by social events.

Create a Study Plan

You should know when to engage in extracurricular activities.

Remember that your primary purpose in UNEC is to achieve academic success. Every other thing is secondary to achieving your goal.

Learn Pencil Shading for Exam

UNEC College of Medicine semester exam is Pencil Paper Test (PPT).

It is an exam where you use a pencil to shade options on a circled box.

Many students encounter challenges in UNEC with this system of exams.

By the time results are out, you will see students scoring 2/100.

It is a result of using the wrong pencil or shading technique.

The recommended pencil for UNEC College exams is 6B.

Many 6B pencils sold in school or on the market are not original.

Get your pencil from a reputable bookshop to avoid issues with your result.

You need to know how to shade with the 6B pencil.

Ensure that you shade every part of the circled box.

Your shading must be thick till it gets a shiny-glassy appearance. If you fail to shade well in the UNEC exam, you will get low scores in your exams despite your preparations.

Note that the College has recently adopted the CBT examination format.

Sleep and Exercise

A good night’s sleep and exercise will boost your brain function.

It is unwise to read throughout the night and sleep through your lecture.

Create time to sleep to enhance your brain health.

You cannot have a retentive memory if you are experiencing sleep deprivation.

Also, create time for yourselves to engage in sports or workout activities. It has many advantages for your health and academics.

I will like to hear from you in the comment box. Let me know if you have any questions about UNEC Campus.

See also:

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. I would love to assist you.

You can watch my videos on the Studentship YouTube Channel by clicking here.

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16 thoughts on “UNEC Crossover Guide for Second Year Students 2024”

    • Yes, Muna

      You can resit the exam. For Physics, you can take the course with Environmental Science students at UNEC.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

    • Hello Quindaline,

      A section of the article contains the list of recommended textbooks.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

    • Hello Quindaline,

      A section of the article contains the list of recommended textbooks.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  1. This was carefully and tenaciously written. It encompasses every detail a UNEC cross-over student needs in the finding of his or her in the new campus. I would recommended this article to any cross over student. Thank you !

  2. Thank you so much for this piece. I’m a first year medical student. Please guide me through the book that I’ll need for my 2nd year

    • Hello, Blossom.

      Here is some of the textbooks you will need in UNEC;

      1. Last Anatomy by Chummy Sinnatamby

      2. Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank H. Netters

      3. Principles of Excitable Tissues and Autonomic Nervous System by D.C. Nwachukwu (Ph.D.)

      4. Fundamentals of Metabolism by Fidelis Ejezie & Joy Ikekpeazu

      5. Fundamental Multiple Choice Questions in Medical Physiology by Uchenna Nwagha

      In addition, you will study with lecture powerpoints.

      I wish you all the best.


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