Hostel Accommodation in UNEC & Lodges in Enugu Campus 2024

Hostel accommodation and lodges in UNEC are a big challenge for new and crossover students on Enugu Campus. At the beginning of every session, students get stranded because they do not have anywhere to stay.

To give you an idea of how ugly the situation can get. At the start of my second year. A few of my classmates could not resume until after a month of lectures.

They had no place to stay. It was a painful experience for them. In hopelessness, they kept on seeing lecture schedules on the class WhatsApp group. 

Even so, a few lucky ones were able to live with their uncles and aunties staying in Enugu. Even though they still had to spend up to four hundred on transportation daily.

Unlike in Nsukka Campus, accommodation is a serious challenge in Enugu Campus. The challenges can break you down. Put you at a disadvantage position. 

As you already know, UNEC is in the heart of Enugu city. No form of special consideration for student accommodation. 

Whether you intend to stay in the school hostel or off-campus, you must not fail to make adequate preparations. Unless you want to resume for lecture late.

This post also contains all you must know to settle down as the first year or cross over as a student on the UNEC campus.

The first and second section of this post is for hostel and off-campus accommodation. I have also included other important information that will help you get started at Enugu Campus. Welcome to the Den for professionals.

UNEC Campus
Welcome to UNEC

If you have any questions or need further clarification, do let me know in the comment box.

Hostels in UNEC

There are a total of nine hostels in UNEC. Two hostels for male students and six hostels for female folks. The ninth hostel called Kwame Nkurumah hostel is for Postgraduate students. 

Read Also: UNN College of Medicine Second Year Course Outline

Names of Male Hostels in UNEC

unec boys hostel
Inside UNEC Boys Hostel

There are two male hostels in UNEC;

  • Kenneth Dike Hall (IJ) Hostel
  • Mbonu Ojike Hall (GH) Hostel

Kenneth Dike is also called IJ Hostel. Mbonu Ojike is called GH hostel. In case you are wondering about the rationale behind the IJ and GH alphabet tag, I will tell you. 

Each hostel comprises two wings or sections one and two. They are assigned a letter of the alphabet. For example, the first wing of Kenneth Dike’s hostel gets the letter I. 

The second wing goes with the letter J. Combination of both alphabets gives IJ Hostel. 

It is easier for students to say GH than say Mbonu Ojike hall. You get the logic, right? Although, the naming system is not notable for female hostels in UNEC.

Lioness (female students) prefer to call the name of their hostel. You hear them say something like I live at Adelabu, not EF hostel.

Mbaonu Ojike hostel, UNEC
Mbaonu Ojike Hostel, UNEC

The two male hostels in UNEC are the same. A two-winged three-storey building. 

Many Lions (male students) prefer Mbonu Ojike hall (GH) to Kenneth Dike. The reason is that GH is more organized and neater than IJ.

Life in the male hostel is interesting. There is never a dull moment here. It is an avenue to meet with other students; the good, bad, noisy, troublesome, etc.

If you intend to go into student union politics, the hostel can give you the required popularity.

Kenneth Dike Hostel UNEC
Kenneth Dike Hostel, UNEC

How Many Students Per Room?

At Enugu Campus, there are four legal occupants assigned to a room for the boys’ hostel. The number of occupants may increase due to squatters (illegal occupants). 

Each room contains a study table, a bunk and a makeshift kitchen cabinet.

The major downside of living in GH or IJ is the poor sanitary condition of the hostels. 

Also, privacy is a luxury here. If you prefer a calm study environment, off-campus might be the best option for you.

Names of Female Hostels in UNEC

There are six female undergraduate hostels in UNEC;

  1. Lady Eudorah Ibiam Hostel
  2. Presidential Hall
  3. Samuel Manuwa Hall
  4. Jereton Marriere Hostel
  5. Odumegwu Ojukwu Hall
  6. Adelabu Hall

Lady Eudorah Ibiam Hostel

lady ibiam hostel in UNEC
Back View of Lady Ibiam Hostel

Lady Ibiam is the largest female hostel in UNEC. For some reason, I prefer to describe it as the best hostel in UNEC. 

The three-storey hostel has two wings comprising one hundred and sixty rooms. The legal number of occupants in Lady Ibiam is five female students per room.

Ibiam has a similar structure to the male hostels. There is never a quiet time here. 

As a plus, the hostel is in the centre of the school environment. From Ibiam, you can assess anywhere in the school.

Do you want to do side business with your academics? Then, Lady Ibiam is the best place to stay. All the mini-market and 97% of food joints in school are around Ibiam Hostel.

Due to her great numerical strength, Ibiam ladies control student politics in UNEC. Without the support of Ibiam, you can never win a student union government (SUG) election in UNEC.

Staying in Ibiam has a significant role for ladies with political ambitions.

Disadvantages of Staying UNEC
Noisy Environment

Lady Ibiam is everything but serene. Like the male hostel, she never stops talking. The noise that emanates from the hostel at night can sometimes be frightening. 

There are about 180 rooms in Ibiam. Multiply that times five legal occupants. You will get eight hundred ladies in one hostel. Lady Ibiam is a noisy hostel.

To add to the lack of serenity. Eudorah Ibiam hostel is next to IJ Port. A popular location for religious and sports events. 

Even so, the noise should not have a direct impact on your academics. There is a reading room in the hostel where you can do your jacking and awoko. Or, you can go for night class to read till daybreak (TBD).

Poor Sanitary Condition

The sanitary condition of Lady Ibiam is the worst amongst the female hostels in UNEC. For this reason, most female students detest staying at Ibiam.

Electricity Problem

Electrical blackout is a challenge in Ibiam. It is common for some sections of the hostel not to have a power supply on a particular school night.

The fact is that the hostel structure is old. So, there is a tendency there will be discrepancies in the electrical system from time to time. 

Read Also: UNN First Year Clearance Documents & Procedures

Presidential Hall UNEC

unec presidential hostel building
Presidential Hostel, UNEC

The presidential hall is a sort of private female hostel. If you are a crossover student from Nsukka Campus, you already know what the hostel looks like. The hostel accommodates ten female students per room.

Presidential is for female students like staff kids and some students. It means that you cannot apply to get the hostel through the university hostel portal.

For security, the hostel scores A1. Visitors are usually not allowed to pass through the reception area.

Do you intend to stay in Presidential Hostel? You need to make further inquiries from the student affairs department.

Other Female Hostels in UNEC

manuwa hostel in unec
Manuwa Hostel, UNEC

Manuwa, Marriere, Ojukwu and Adelabu hostel all have similar structures. They are the most sort after by female students. 

The legal number of occupants in these halls is three students per room.

Amongst these hostels, Manuwa is the favourite followed by Marierie. The four hostels are the same except that ladies would always want to create a hierarchy.

For serenity, Adelabu is the best hostel. 

unec adelabu hostel
Adelabu Hostel, UNEC

Marierie and Manuwa hostel have fancy windows located close to the Access Bank ATM. You can never go broke if you live here. It is a secret.

In terms of location, Ojukwu is a little off from the other hostels. The advantage is that it is close to the Faculty of Environmental Studies.

Here is my verdict.

unec campus

If you have the intention of running for student politics, you have to stay in Lady Ibiam for at least a session. The hostel will give you the popularity boost you need for student unionism.

Ibiam is also the best choice if you are into makeup or sell products like bags, perfume, brassier, shoes, coconut oil, etc. 

The mega population here gives you a vast reach to potential customers.

If what you need is a serene and clean study environment. Your target should be on Manuwa, Marierie, Adelabu and Ojukwu hostel.

UNEC Hostel Regulations

  • There is a clothing wardrobe in both the male and female hostels in UNN.
  • Cooking is allowed in UNN male and female hostels.

How Much is Water in the Hostel

A gallon of water goes for fifty naira in the hostel.

There is no well water in the hostel. Students get free water mostly during SUG elections.

Ask me questions about the school hostel in the comment box below.

How to Apply for UNEC Hostel Accommodation

Application for UNEC hostel accommodation is on the UNN hostel portal. First-year and final year students get extra consideration. It means that more space is available for them.


There is no peculiar consideration for crossover students in terms of hostel allocation.

Ensure that you pay your fees immediately after the school fees portal opens. 

Due to the limited bed space, it is necessary to be on the lookout. Apply the very minute the hostel portal is available. 

After this time frame, you would need a miracle to get hostel accommodation on the Enugu campus.

How Much is Hostel in UNEC

  • UNEC hostel fees are fifteen thousand Naira (₦15,000) for female students. 
  • Male students pay twelve thousand Naira (₦12,000).

Be aware that you may pay a little amount of money for your hostel clearance.

Student Affairs Department, UNEC

UNEC student affairs
Student Affairs Department, UNEC

The student affairs department in UNEC is behind the Faculty of Environmental Studies.

Students living in the male or female hostel in UNEC do their hostel clearance here.

The clearance fee cost two thousand Naira (₦2,000) only. Also, you would have to buy some items like a mattress, macintosh (rubber bed sheet), etc.

The department also handles other student-related activities on the Enugu campus.

Boys Quarters in UNEC

Boys’ quarter accommodation is one of the best options for students. The advantages are steady power supply, security, proximity, serenity e.t.c.

The quarters are in the residential areas inside the school. It is a one-room accommodation situated among the staff houses. 

It goes for two hundred and fifty thousand (N250,000) to pay one hundred and fifty thousand (N150,000) subsequently.

Despite being the favourite accommodation option for most students, These rooms are not readily available for rent.

There are only a few quarters available. You need to find a final year student moving out to secure the accommodation. 

The problem is that most of the time, these students already have a person to take over the lodge. 

To rent a boy quarter, visit the Enugu Campus. Ask for directions to the residential area. Here, you can begin to make inquiries on how to get the quarters.

The Disadvantage of Boys Quarter in UNEC

There is no logical downside to accommodation. The only turnoff is that the apartment is not self-contained – No kitchen and toilet inside the room. 

Occupants cook in front of their rooms and share a toilet with about four co-tenants.

How Much is Boy’s Quarters in UNEC

The price is between one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and sixty thousand (₦12,000 – 160,000).

Read Also: UNEC Victory Ground

Lodges in UNEC

self contain in unec
Picture of a self-contained apartment in UNEC off campus

UNEC off-campus accommodation is the main challenge for new and crossover students. It is why you need to have the necessary information in this post.

There are four areas for UNEC off-campus accommodation. They are;

  • College Road
  • Maryland
  • Corridor Layout
  • Kenyatta

The problem students encounter when searching for lodges off-campus is greedy house agents. You should pay about ten thousand for an agency fee. But some of these students would want to extort as high as thirty thousand from you.

If you would be searching for a house through an agent, make sure you ask how much they charge for an agency fee.

Also, you may pay one thousand before you see the lodges. They do this so they won’t be at a complete loss in case you decide to work with another agent.

Here is a breakdown of the cost of accommodation.

House Rent: The actual amount for the accommodation you want to rent.

Legal Fee: It is the amount paid for the tenancy agreement between the tenant and landlord.

The cost of the legal fee is between the sum of five to twenty thousand Naira (₦5,000 –20,000)

Caution Fee: A caution fee is a refundable amount you pay to agree you would not damage the property. If by the end of your tenancy you do not destroy any part of the property. You get a refund of the money.

Service Charge: It is a fee paid for lodges under the management of a real estate firm. The money takes care of security, maintenance and sanitation.

Disclaimer: Note that the cost of accommodation contained in this post may change. You should settle for a lodge that fits your budget.

You will see a link at the bottom of this page to contact me to get assistance with accommodation at UNEC.

Also, the most self-contained apartment does not have a kitchen. You can always convert a balcony into a kitchen. See the picture below.

UNEC Self contain balcony
Self Contain Balcony

Now here are details on the different areas and the cost of accommodation.

College Road UNEC

College Road is at the front axis of UNEC. The student ratio is low. There are more business and residential buildings here compared to student lodges.

Pros of Staying on College Road

  1. Proximity: The proximity to school is the main advantage.
  2. Borehole Water Supply: You will get access to the borehole.
  3. Good Road Network: College road has a good road network to school.
  4. Constant Power Supply: The power supply is stable.

Cons of Staying in College Road

  1. High Cost of Living: The cost of living is very high. It is due to its location.

How Much Are Lodges in College Road

Self Contain: One hundred and twenty thousand to two hundred and eight thousand (₦120,000 – 280,000)

Single Room: Eighty thousand to one hundred and twenty thousand ((₦80,000 – 120,000)

Maryland UNEC

Maryland is the most sort after area by students. It is accessible through the University’s small gate. Dynasty lodge is a popular hostel in Maryland.

Pros of Staying in Maryland

  1. Cheap Accommodation: The cost of accommodation is cost-effective here compared to College Road.
  2. Steady Power Supply: The power supply in Maryland is constant.

Cons of Staying in Maryland

Road Network: The road from Maryland to the school gate is untarred. It implies that you will have to polish your shoes after you arrive at your lecture venue during the dry season.

Also, during the rainy season, you may have to do some calculative steps while walking.

No Borehole Water Supply: Students in Maryland rely on well water or buy water.

How Much Are Lodges in Maryland

Self Contain: Eighty thousand to one hundred and ninety thousand (₦80,000 – 190,000)

Single Room: Seventy to one hundred and ten thousand (₦70,000 – 110,000)

Corridor Layout in UNEC

The corridor layout is behind the Department of Human Anatomy. The student population here is low compared to Maryland or College road.

Most of the buildings are residential houses. However, if you are thinking of renting a flat, then a corridor layout may be the best option for you.

How Much Are Lodges in Corridor Layout

Self Contain: One hundred and twenty thousand – one hundred and eighty thousand (₦120,000 – 180,000)

Kenyatta Axis, Enugu

Kenyatta is a market in Enugu located East of UNEC. A few students live around the market area. The campus gate is accessible through a short court. It is important to note that only a few students live here.

Pros of Staying in Kenyatta

  1. The power supply in the market area is constant.
  2. Borehole Water Supply

Cons of Staying in College Road

  • Low student ratio
  • High cost of living

Cost of Accommodation in Kenyatta Axis Enugu

Self Contain: One hundred and twenty-five thousand – one hundred and eighty thousand Naira (₦125,000 – 180,000)

List of Lodges in UNEC

Unec off campus accommodation
Picture of a lodge in UNEC off campus accommodation
  • Dynasty Lodge 
  • Brown Lodge 
  • Mini Market Lodges
  • Maryland Primary School Road

How Much Is Electricity Off Campus

Electricity off campus ranges from five hundred to two thousand Naira per month.

In some lodges, the landlord pays the electricity bill. Wherever you want to stay, make sure you inquire about the cost of electricity.

How Much is Water Sold Off Camus

Fifty to seventy naira is the amount for a gallon of water off-campus. But, I recommend you settle for a lodge with access to well water. This way, you don’t have to buy water except during the dry season.

My Verdict: Maryland is the best option if you want to stay in an affordable student environment. Also, the lodges here are cheaper compared to other places around campus.

College road is the best deal if you need a top-notch self to contain running water, etc.

Do you want to share a flat with other classmates? The corridor layout should be your best bet.

IJ Airport

Ij airport unec
IJ Airport, UNEC

IJ port is a business centre on the UNN Enugu campus. It serves students in the College of Medicine. Lecture materials and past questions are available here. The place offers printing and photocopy services.

Additionally, the IJ port has a football pitch. Sports and religious activities take place here.

How to Get Medical Care in UNEC

unec medical centre
Medical Centre, UNEC

The medical centre is beside Ojukwu Hostel – opposite the UNN ICT centre. If you experience any health challenges, visit the health centre for medical attention. 

  • Visit the Medical Centre reception.
  • Request that you want to see a physician.
  • Submit a copy of your school fees receipt.
  • You will get a hospital number that you will use anytime you need medical attention.

Note: Always visit the Medical Centre with a copy of your school fees receipt.

Also, save your medical card number on your phone or write it down somewhere you can remember.

Banks in UNEC

There are only two banks in UNEC – Access bank and UBA Bank.

Access Bank

access bank unec
UNEC Access Bank

Access bank in UNEC is beside Victory Ground. Opposite the University Power and Works Department.

The bank also has an ATM terminal at Manuwa female hostel in UNEC.

Unec manuwa atm
Manuwa ATM, UNEC

UBA Bank

UBA bank in UNEC is beside the Chapel of Redemption and in front of the CBN Postgraduate building.

College of Medicine students pay for Anatomy course registration here.

The UBA ATM is notable for dispensing five hundred Naira. Trust me, 5h can be a life-changer for students on the Enugu campus.

Access bank ATM dispenses one thousand Naira notes.

Both Banks open by 8 am and close by 4 pm.

ATM Off Campus in UNEC

Maryland ATM

There is also a UBA ATM in Maryland opposite the Maryland Shopping Plaza.

College Road ATM

Students living on College road have access to the UNN MicroFinance Bank ATM.

Banks in Keyentta

  • Zenith Bank
  • United Bank of Africa (UBA)

UNEC Security

UNEC has a vibrant security system. The entire school is guided by security agents who protect the lives and properties of staff and students.

The UNEC security post is opposite the Chapel of Redemption. Students who have any challenges relating to security must report to the office for assistance.

UNEC is peaceful as there is no form of cultism or other criminal offences.

Areas off campus in UNEC like College Road and Maryland are also peaceful.

UNEC students have a heavy academic workload to think of engaging in criminal activities.

Where Is UNEC Located in Enugu

UNEC is located in Ogui New Layout, Ogui, Enugu State beside WTC estate.

The campus is on College Road (Ogui New Layout), Kenyatta and Maryland axis.

  • From Holy Ghost in Enugu to UNEC gate is #100.
  • At Holy Ghost, ask for directions to UNEC Keke park located after the railway.
  • Pay a transportation fare of #100 to the UNEC gate.
  • Enter the campus.
  • Locate the UNEC shuttle park on the right side.

Sports Facilities in UNEC

  • UNEC Stadium
  • IJ Port Football Pitch
  • Victory Ground – Lawn Tennis, Basketball and VolleyBall

Where to Eat and Shop in UNEC

  • Old Refectory
  • Lady Ibiam Shopping Centre
  • Shoprite – Polo Park Enugu
  • Spar Enugu
  • Ogbete Market
  • Kenyatta Market
  • Roban Stores

Transportation in UNEC

Transportation cost at Enugu Campus is very affordable. From the Bus stop to most places in school is thirty Naira.

Relaxation Spots in UNEC

UNEC love garden
UNEC Love Garden
  • Love Garden – Faculty of Environmental Studies
  • Lady Ibiam
  • Boys Hostel common room (Live Football)

Where to Pray in UNEC

Victory ground is the prayer mountain for students on Enugu Campus. It is beside Access Bank.

Campus Fellowships in UNEC

st. moluba catholic church unec
St. Moluba Catholic Church

Here is the list of campus fellowships in UNEC;

  • St. Mulumba Catholic Chaplaincy, UNEC
  • Chapel of Redemption, Enugu Campus
  • Redeemed Campus Fellowship (RCF)
  • Deeper Life Campus Fellowship (DLCF)
  • Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES)
  • Scripture Union Campus Fellowship (SUCF)
  • The Lord’s Chosen Campus Fellowship
  • Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students (NFCS)
  • Mountain of Fire and Miracles Campus Fellowship
  • New Covenant Family (NCF)
  • Student Christian Movement (SCM)
  • Winners’ Campus Fellowship (WCF)
  • Christ Ambassadors Student Outreach (CASOR)
  • Student Christian Union
  • Christian Association of Business Students (CABS)
  • Anglican Student Fellowship (ASF)
  • National Fellowship of Christian Medical Laboratory Science Students (NAFECMLSS)

Read Also: The Redemption Fire

Pictures of UNEC Campus

unn business school
UNN Business School
Department of Human Anatomy, UNEC
Department of Human Anatomy, UNEC
Victory ground, UNEC
The road leading to Access Bank & St. Mulumba Catholic Chaplaincy, UNEC
CBN Post Graduate Building, UNEC
CBN Post Graduate Building, UNEC

I would love to hear from you in the comment box. If you have any questions or need clarification, do let me know.

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66 thoughts on “Hostel Accommodation in UNEC & Lodges in Enugu Campus 2024”

  1. What are the up and downside of staying in presidential hostel in unec, is it suitable for a law student and between it and manuwa, which one who you advise I go for.

    • Lirica,

      The Faculty of Business Management is at UNEC Enugu Campus.

      All the Lady Ibiam and Presidential hostels are the closest to the department of Banking and Finance.

  2. Pls Sir, I need a space in Samuel MANUWA hostel right away otherwise a self contain in college road or the one behind human anatomy Dept.
    God bless u.

    • Well, Duel,

      There is currently no bedspace at Manuwa for second and third-year students.

      Mop-up hostel application will come up soon.

      Concerning getting a lodge off-campus. Contact me on WhatsApp.

  3. please Blessing , can i get a hostel accommodation as a jupeb student?
    If not possible its there any nearby loudge that will be convenient for me

  4. Thank you so much for the well detailed article. Really appreciate it.
    Please for accounting student, what’s the dress code and would I need to wear that from first year,I mean from first semester year one??

  5. Thank you so much Blessing Olarenwaju (if am right)
    I want to ask,which hostel is closest to Anatomy dept and also close to medicine
    And again which lodge is closest to Anatomy dept.
    And pls how do I get a selfcon lodge close to Anatomy dept. without this issue of agents and their extortion??
    Thanks as I await your response

    • Ekenechi,

      All the female hostels are in the same proximity to the Department of Anatomy.

      Maryland or Corridor layout is the best place to stay as an Anatomy student.

      Get someone you know in Enugu to help you out to avoid extortion from lodge agents.

  6. I would like to know the hostel which is most suitable for law students, especially in terms of proximity and serenity of the environment.

  7. pls can u send me a picture of some hostel in unec in my email i will really appreciate it is diamondchukwudi35@gmail .com
    and if possible a picture of a room please

    • Hello Mitchelle,

      It is because there is no water in Enugu city,

      The water supply on Campus is outsourced by private business owners.

      Though, free water is provided by the works department but not frequent.

  8. Wonderful blog, I really appreciate the effort but the links are inactive. Please get this corrected, I wish to read more! ?

    • Thank you for your feedback.

      I want to let you know that all the links on this page have been fixed.


    • Miriam, cooking is allowed in the hostel.

      You can prepare your food using a kerosene stove (legal).

      But, students especially male students use hotplate and female students use gas cooker illegally.

    • You can only get a boy’s quarter in UNEC at the end of the academic session. That is after final year exams.

    • It depends on where you stay in Maryland and your walking pace.

      On the average, the distance between Maryland small gate and Health Sciences is 15 minutes.

    • First of all nice article.
      I was given admission in architecture, will I stay in UNN before going to UNEC?
      And also which lodge off-campus is safe from frequent cult cashes.

      • Congratulation Benedict on your admission.

        Architecture students stay in UNEC from their first year to final year. So, you have nothing to do with Nsukka campus.

        There are no cult clashes in UNEC. Nobody has got much time for that nonsense.

        The only problem you can encounter in UNEC is theft of phone late in the night.

        I advise that you stay in Maryland. It is cheaper and closer to your department.

    • UNN has three campuses in Enugu State.

      1. Nsukka campus (main campus)

      2. UNEC Campus (Enugu city)

      3. UNTH (Teaching Hospital)

      UNEC Campus houses students in the College of Medicine, Law, Environmental Studies and Business Management.

      Students in other Faculties reside in Nsukka campus.

        • The dress code for second and third-year students is white on black or white on ash.

          Male students use white, black and ash tie.

          First year students do not have dress code.

          • Thank you so much Blessing Olarenwaju (if am right)
            I want to ask,which hostel is closest to Anatomy dept and also close to medicine
            And again which lodge is closest to Anatomy dept.
            And pls how do I get a selfcon lodge close to Anatomy dept. without this issue of agents and their extortion??
            Thanks as I await your response

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