How to Get Admission in UNN – Everything You Must Know 2025

UNN mode of admission follows the regulations and requirements of JAMB.

Every year, over sixty thousand admission seekers apply to study at the University. 

Knowing the UNN admission requirements and how to pass the UNN Post UTME screening exam is necessary.

These guides will help you to avoid common mistakes in your JAMB and UNN Post UTME registration. Also, you would be able to predict your chances of getting admission to UNN.

Getting admission into UNN does not only depend on a high JAMB and Post UTME score. There is certain UNN admission information that you must have at your fingertips. 

In this post, I will take you through all you need to know to get admission to UNN. 

Ask me any questions about JAMB, UNN Post UTME, Hostel & UNN Off-Campus Accommodation, etc. 

UNN Admission Requirements

Here are the UNN admission requirements;

1. UNN O’level Requirements 

Every department in UNN has its O’level requirements. They are the subjects you must have credits for in your O’level result. 

O’level is your WAEC, NECO, GCE and NABTEB result.

UNN requires that you have at least five (5) credit units in relevant subjects.

For example, if you want to study Medical Laboratory Science at UNN. You must have credits in the following subjects;

  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology

Not possessing these results would lead to your disqualification.

Let me know if you are uncertain about the correct O’level result you need for the course you want to study at UNN.

O’level Result Combination

In UNN, you can combine two sitting results. It is also possible to combine WAEC and NECO. But some departments like Medicine and Surgery accept only one sitting.

2. UNN JAMB Requirements

The requirements for JAMB are straightforward like that of O’level. But the problem is that due to a lack of information, students register for the wrong JAMB subjects.

It will result in you not getting admission for the course you want to study. Every department has its required JAMB combination.

For example, if you want to study Mechanical Engineering. Your JAMB subject combination should be;

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

Ensure that you pick the correct subject combination during your JAMB registration.

Tell me the course you want to study in the comment box below. I will tell you the correct subject combination.

JAMB Score

JAMB score accounts for about 60% of your UNN aggregate score. The higher your JAMB score, the higher your chances of gaining admission.

The University of Nigeria JAMB cut off mark is usually between 180 – and 200. It means you must have this score before applying for the UNN Post UTME exam.

Note that meeting the JAMB cut off mark does not mean that you will get admitted into UNN. Get a score above the cut off mark of the department you want to study.

You will need to read 12 Practical Tips on How to Pass JAMB Excellently.

3. UNN Post UTME Screening Examination

The nature of UNN Post UTME is CBT based on your JAMB subject combination. 

It is like the JAMB exam. This time you will answer 60 questions within an hour. That is 15 questions for each of your JAMB subject combinations.

For example, if you wrote English Language, Literature, Economics and CRS in your JAMB. Questions from these subjects are what you will see in your UNN Post UTME screening exam.

Your JAMB and Post UTME score makes up your aggregate score. The higher your score, the higher your chances of getting admission.

UNN Requirements for Post UTME

The application for UNN Post UTME is on the University Student Portal. It can be stressful for students who do not have the required documents.

Here are the documents you need to apply for UNN Post UTME;

  • Local Government of Origin
  • SSCE Result
  • Primary School Testimonial
  • First School Living Certificate
  • Birth Certificate

Breakdown of UNN Admission Process

UNN follows the National Universities Commission (NUC) admission quota, which is:

  • Merit – 45%
  • Catchment – 35% 
  • Educationally Less Developed States (ELS) – 20%

As an aspirant, you have two ways to gain admission into UNN. They are;

  1. Merit & Catchment
  2. Merit & Educationally Less Developed States (ELDS)

UNN Merit List

Every student has equal chances of getting admission through the Merit list. To make this list, you must beat the departmental cut off mark.

Departments in UNN are in charge of setting the cut off marks. The general performance of students in the Post UTME and JAMB examination determines the cut-off.

For example, say 500 students apply to study Fine and Applied Arts at UNN.

The department is to admit 100 students for the academic year.

The merit list comprises 45% of the list.

The best 45 students will make the merit list.

Say the 45th best student has 254 as aggregate.

The cut-off mark for Fine and Applied Arts becomes 254.

To make the Merit list, you must aim for a high aggregate score. If you fall under the 45% radar, you will get admission.

Admission to UNN is competitive. Ensure you get the highest score possible in your JAMB and Post UTME examinations.

Catchment Area

The catchment area is the second way you can gain admission into UNN. This slot is only available to aspirants from Enugu and neighbouring states.

Here are some of the catchment areas in UNN;

  • Enugu
  • Delta
  • Anambra
  • Ebonyi
  • IMO, etc

The admission quota for the catchment is 35%.

If you miss the Merit cut off mark, you can still make the first list via catchment list.

For example, assume the Merit cut off mark for Pharmacy is 310.

You are from Delta State, with an aggregate score of 290.

You will miss out on the Merit cut off because your score is not up to 310.

Say Pharmacy decides to admit five (5) students from Delta to the UNN primary admission list.

If your score of 290 is the second-highest for Pharmacy aspirants from Delta State.

Your name will be on the primary admission list. It is because you have the second-highest score from Delta State. It is how catchment admission works in UNN.

If you are from a UNN catchment area, aim for an aggregate that beats the Merit and catchment cut off mark.

Educationally Less Developed States (ELS)

Educationally Less Developed States (ELDS) quota is the third way to gain admission into UNN.

This admission slot is for students who are from the ELDS states like Kogi, Kwara, Kaduna, Benin, Zamfara, etc.

The admission quota for ELDS is 20%. The smallest compared to the Merit and Catchment slot.

Only a few students from ELDS states apply to study at UNN. It is why the competition is less compared to catchment areas. 

For example, over 1,000 students from Enugu State may apply to Medicine and Surgery in UNN.

The number of students applying from Kwara State to study Medicine can be 10.

A student from Kaduna State (ELDS) with a score of 260 may make the primary admission list for Medicine. 

But a student with 290 from Anambra State may not make the Primary Admission list for Medicine. It is because the student did not meet the Merit and catchment area cut off mark.

Anambra State cut off mark is high because many students from the state apply to UNN.

Note that the Merit, Catchment and ELDS admission quota is for the Primary Admission list. It is the first admission list released by the University.

There is no tribalism in the UNN admission process.

I advise you to work towards making the Primary Admission List.

Struggle to meet the departmental cut off mark and be among the best students from your state of origin.

If you do not meet the cut off marks, the University may decide to change your course of choice to something else.

For example, you applied to study Law without meeting the cut off mark. You may see your name on the admission list for Political Science instead of Law.

These changes do not usually go well for some students who want to study their dream course.

Change of Department in UNN

Change of department is possible in UNN after your first year. The application form is about fifty thousand Naira.

To change your course, you must offer the same subjects in your first year for the department you want. 

For example, you can change from Biochemistry to Pharmacy. You will offer all the first-year Pharmacy courses.

Change of department can be a little bit technical. The department you want to change to must accept your application. Also, your current department would need to approve your request to change departments. 

My advice is to make the necessary inquiries concerning the change of the course process. Go to the department you want to change to and make adequate enquiries.

UNN Shopping Form

UNN shopping form is available online after the release of the first admission list. It is for applicants who do not meet the cut off mark.

You will be able to shop for some specified departments with a shortfall of students. 

The shortfall of students means that only a few students applied to the department. The shopping form is to get people to fill out these departments.

You can get admission through the shopping list and also by supplementary list.

Many people buy UNN shopping forms to be on the safe side. So they do not miss out on the admission process.

If you get double admission, you can visit the University ICT to select the course you prefer. 

For example, you get admitted to Combined Biological Sciences through a shopping list. A few weeks later, you see your name on the admission list for Nursing Sciences.

You will go to the admission office and ICT to notify them that you prefer Nursing Sciences. They will sort everything out for you.

UNN Post UTME Admission List

Here are the different types of admission lists in UNN;

  • Primary Admission List
  • Supplementary Admission List
  • Direct Entry Admission List
  • Shopping Admission List
  • Visually Impaired and Other Handicapped Admission List
  • Foreign Candidate Admission list
  • VC’s admission list

UNN Cut Off Mark

The University of Nigeria does not release her cut off point online. It is students in various departments at UNN who post these cut off marks online.

UNN First Year Clearance

The UNN first year clearance is the final stage of your admission process. Faculty Officers in the various departments are in charge of the clearance process.

Read UNN First Year Clearance for details on what you need to know. 

I would love to hear from you. Ask me any questions in the comment box below.

Success to you as you prepare for UNN – The Lion Den.

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277 thoughts on “How to Get Admission in UNN – Everything You Must Know 2025”

  1. Sir i got 203 in jamb and i want to study civil engineering and am an indigene of Enugu state and i got 9B in my waec do i stand a chance to study civil engineering

  2. Sir I got 198 in jamb, what medical course can I do in UNN and is possible to later switch to med nd surgery in 200lv

  3. Good day sir .my waec result i used chukwuemeka Cynthia ifeyinwa then in my nin is chukwuemeka onuchi Cynthia. I’ve gotten admission to study political science in unn.will it affect me in my clearance?. Secondly will they accept a court affidavit. I want to do my birth cert. and local government identification which name should I use. Thank you sir.

  4. Sir good day in my waec result I used chukwuemeka Cynthia ifeyinwa then my nin is chukwuemeka onuchi Cynthia. I’ve gained admission into unn Will it affect me in my clearance?. Secondly I want to get my LGA identification and birth cert. Which name should I use.

    • English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any one of the following – Book keeping & Accounts, Commerce, or Government obtained at not more than two sittings.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  5. Sir please I would like to know the waec and jamb subject combination to study software engineering in unn and unizik and also the jamb score which I need to secure in order to gain admission

  6. Good evening sir,
    I scored 242 in jamb(2023)
    And I want to study political science and I’m from abia state
    Hope am safe ?
    2. My literature in my waec result Was cancelled
    Hope it won’t affect my chance of getting admission in unn.
    Thank you.

    • Hello Favour,

      Yes, you stand a chance for Political Science with a high aggregate score in your Post UTME.

      The subject combination for Political Science is Use of English, Government or History plus two (2) other Social Science/Arts subjects.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  7. Good day sir,
    Please sir I got 201 in jamb and I want to study fine and applied art.
    Can I gain admission in UNN with my this score?

  8. Please I rote biology instead of maths in jamb
    And my course of study is architecture

    Can I still be given admission to UNN

  9. Hello sir, great morning from here, am blessed Vigidex i scored 208 in jamb and wish to study nursing in UNN, how possible is it.

  10. Good day sir I scored 195 in jamb can I be admitted to unn to study computer science, with a good Waec result

  11. I got 231 in my jamb and I want to study medicine. Is it still possible for me if I get a high score in my post utme.

  12. Sir, I got 273 in my just concluded UTME, and I applied for medicine and Surgery UNN. Being from Ebonyi state and one of the catchment areas, do I stand the chance to gain admission?

  13. Hi sir, i scored 249 in jamb, do i still have a chance for medicine if i get a higher score in post utme for unn

  14. Good day sir, the school gave me admission into radiography and radiological science, contrary to my desired program,so I went to jamb and did change of course to radiography. But before then, I have already uploaded my waec result in jamb. But the thing is that my admission status is still showing not admitted. What do I do cos it’s getting to a month since I did it.Please help me.

  15. Good day sir, please I was given admission by the school into radiography and radiological science,a course contray to my desired program. Then I went to jamb and did change of course to radiography, but before then I have already uploaded my waec in jamb. But still my admission status is showing “Not admitted”. What do I do cos it’s already up to a month.

    • Dear David,

      What you are experiencing is not new. Since you were given admission by the school, Jamb has not recognised it and may not do so any time soon.

      If Jamb ends up giving you admission into any course, your status will change but if not, it will continue displaying “Not admitted” even if the school admits you

  16. Pls sir,
    I have a little issue,
    The name on my Waec is slightly different from the one on my jamb,

    I have Ariwodo Chimezie on my waec but

    Ariwodo Chimezie Nelson on my jamb and every other of my personal documents including NIN, date of birth, first sch leaving certificate and other documents not listed above…

    Will it affect me in anyway during UNN clearance?

    • Hello Nelson,

      Your name variation in your WAEC certificate could or be no problem during your clearance.

      But what you have to do now is to correct the name on your WAEC certificate.

      Here are the documents required for the amendment of the name on your WAEC certificate;

      1. Original certificate
      2. Affidavit for correction of Name
      3. Letter from your school principal
      4. Original Birth certificate for sighting and photocopy for submission
      5. 10,000 Naira.

  17. (1) Is one save with c6 in English ( o level)
    to study banking and finance in unn
    (2) can I combine electrical and electronics engineering for study in unn and what will be my target

  18. My o level subj combinations are use of English, maths, economics, accounts, commerce but have D7 in use of English. Is the o level combinations corrects to study banking and finance in unn? And am I save with the D7 in English

  19. Good morning sir
    Pls, I registered use of English, maths, economics and commerce in jamb to study banking and finance in unn. the subj combinations are they correct? And scored 201

  20. Good day sir
    Pls I’m aspiring for medicine and surgery in unn (2022/2023) with a jamb score of 276. I am an indigine of delta state. Do I maintain the track or switch to a state university
    Although there is this idea of students in delta state applying for any of the home universities (DELSU,UNIDEL and 4 others) due to them not being part of the asuu strike

  21. Sir when are we supposed to start linking our email to jamb
    and i really need The charges for new medical student in unn apart from their school fees or dont they pay development fees like some universities

    • Mr. Blessing
      I’m from Anambra state. I got 251 in jamb to study law. What should be my target for PUTME

  22. Good day. Am an indigene of Enugu and would like to study Economics with JAMB score 284. Is it possible ?.if yes what should be my post utme target .

  23. Hello, I’m David
    I want to study accountancy but I wrote Account instead of government, would I still be given admission

  24. 1. I want to study library and information science, what is the subject combinaation, jamb score and post Utme score.

    2. Why is admission really assured for indigene and nearby state alone.
    3. Why is scores so much high in UNN.

  25. Please I indigine in enugu and I reside in Lagos, my cut off mark is 210 and am studying accounting, how should I prepare for my post utme

  26. I scored 166 in my jamb to study education. And i chose literature, english, Government and crs. Did i make de right choice for de subjects and can i get admission into unn with dat score?

  27. Please I chosed Maths, English, Economics, and Commerce for jamb combination to study accounting in UNN
    I hope it’s ok?

  28. Hi Blessing, Am Amarachi from abia but i reside in Enugu. I registered this following jamb 2022 subject ENG, GOVT, LIT IN ENG AND ECO for Law. I hope no problem, as they said i can choose any two(2) art or social science subject. I am aspiring for UNN.

  29. I scored 203 in JAMB and scored 160 in the just concluded post utme exam. My WAEC result is excellent. Will I be given admission in the department of Special education in UNN

  30. Sir, I got 211 in my jamb and I had 8B’s and 1C in my SSCE and am from Enugu state
    Is there any chance of me getting admission?
    and what should I target in my post utme.

  31. Please I scored 261 in jamb and I am an indigine of Enugu residing in Benue ,please what should I aim at in the PUTME,I want to study acctin in unn

  32. I got 172 and i want law,and if not possible what course should i change to since my utme subject are for law.
    And my o’level result as fellow:GOVT:A2,ENG:A3,MATHS:A3,ECONS:A3,LIT.IN.ENG:C5,ICT:C4,CIVIC EDUC:P8,AGRIC:C5,CRS:A3

  33. I got 167 in jamb
    And my olevel result is maths a1
    English c4
    Chemistry b3
    Physics b3
    Biology c6
    And I want to study MLS in unn can I ?

  34. I have
    Maths a1
    Chemistry b3
    Physics b3
    Biology c6
    English c4 in o level result and I have 167 in jamb can I get admission to study MLS in unn

  35. yes i must appreciate ur work.
    i have 2 questions to ask.
    1)can i get admission with chemistry,biology,geography and English as jamb subjects for microbiology?
    2)which score will favor me in industrial chemistry?
    am about to select one of them

    • Miss Doris,

      It depends on the course your friend applied to study.

      Usually, UNN will give you a related course if you get close to the cut off mark.

      Also, applying for a shopping list is a good way to increase the chances of admission.

  36. Hello ? I got 242 in the recent jamb exam (2021),why score do you think will boost my aggregate in post utme for UNN… I wanna study accounting
    From Delta??

    • Ebenizer,

      Your JAMB score is okay for History and International Studies. You have a good chance.

      What you have to do now is to prepare for your Post UTME exams.

      The higher your aggregate, the higher your chances of getting admission.

  37. Sir, please I included economics in my jamb subject combination,(Economics, government, literature and use of English) though I got 252 and I want to study law, My question is _ Is anything wrong with my subject combination? ?I just want to be sure I have not chosen the wrong Combination.

  38. Thank you sir, God bless you. I scored 252 in JAMB, do I have any chances to gain admission for Electrical engineering.

      • Hello sir I got 198 in jamb, what medical course can I study nd is it possible to switch to med nd surgery in 200lv. I had A1 in mathematics,C4 in English,B2 in biology,B3 in physics nd C4 in chemistry. Please advise me

    • Your JAMB score is low for admission to UNN Law Faculty.

      You’d need to score above 320 to make up for the deficit in your JAMB score.

      You should consider doing a change of course to a less competitive department.

  39. I scored 212 in jamb for law in unn.In my waec,i had english c6,maths d7,literature c6,crk c4,govt c6,civic b2,marketing b3,yoruba e8,biology c5.Can i gain admission into unn to study law.

  40. Thanks a lot for these contents, it’s very helpful. I want to be certain about this.
    I have
    Agricultural science
    Civic education,as my o level it accepted for economics in unn?
    I’m asking because I’ve read lot’s of content on it,and sometimes they’re saying different things.

  41. Sir i got 199 in jamb and i want to study theatre and film studies pls what are my chances and also what i need to get in my post utme

  42. I wrote economics in jamb, but it’s not in my o’level combination, instead I have crs in place of it…I got B2 in the crs, would they still give me admission?


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