How to Prepare and Pass UNIBEN Post UTME Examination 2025

The University of Benin (UNIBEN) Post UTME examination is the required test to gain admission to the prestigious University.

UNIBEN is one of the best Federal Universities in Nigeria. Little wonder why thousands apply every year to study their dream course in school.

The University of Benin is the first University I applied for admission to many years ago.

Unfortunately, I did not get the admission that year due to some mistakes in my path.

Over the years, I have liked to share my experience with students on how they can prepare and pass their Post UTME exams.

In this post, I will walk you through practical tips on preparing for and passing the University of Benin (UNIBEN) Post UTME exams.

Also, you will learn in this article the UNIBEN Post UTME format and subject combinations.

Let me know in the comment if you have any questions or need further clarification. I would love to assist you.

I wish you success in your examination. My prayer is for you to gain admission to study your dream course.

UNIBEN Post UTME Question Format

student studying with laptop

The University of Benin (UNIBEN) Post UTME question format is sixty (60) questions for one (1) hour on questions on your JAMB subject combination.

For example, a student applying to study Mechanical Engineering will answer questions in the Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

The UNIBEN Post UTME exam is like sitting for the JAMB examination all over again, only that you would answer fewer questions this time.

Note that the number of questions may vary this year depending on the university admission office’s decision.

But the questions would always range from fifty (50) to seventy (70) questions, and the time duration is sixty (60) minutes.

How to Calculate UNIBEN Post UTME Aggregate Score

Nigerian student studying

The UNIBEN aggregate score calculation is simple using the procedures below.

To calculate the UNIBEN Post UTME aggregate score, divide your JAMB score by eight (8) and your Post UTME score by two (2).

Let’s assume Adesuwa, applying to study Nursing Science at UNIBEN, got a JAMB score of 284 and a Post UTME score of 76.

Her aggregate score would be;

  • JAMB: 284/8 = 35.5
  • Post UTME: 38
  • Aggregate = 73.5

From our calculation, you can see that Adesuwa’s aggregate score is 73.5.

UNIBEN Cut Off Mark

A student with a laptop

There are two categories of admission cut-off marks at the University of Benin (UNIBEN);

  • JAMB Cut-Off Mark
  • Departmental Cut-Off Mark

The general JAMB cut-off mark is the score set by the University that qualifies you to sit for the screening examination.

In contrast, the department cut-off mark is the score you must reach to get admission to study at UNIBEN.

You must study hard and pass the Post UTME examination to get a high score above the departmental cut-off mark to gain admission to the University of Benin.

Have you any questions about what we have discussed so far? Let me know in the comment box at the end of this post.

It is time for us to into the main focus of this article.

How to Pass UNIBEN Post UTME Exam

The following are effective and practical tips to prepare for and pass the UNIBEN Post UTME examination;

  1. Develop a Positive Mindset
  2. Determine Your Chances for Admission
  3. Study the JAMB Syllabus
  4. Study JAMB Past Questions
  5. Get the UNIBEN Past Questions
  6. Stay Updated on UNIBEN News

Develop a Positive Mindset

a student studying with books on the table

Developing a positive mindset is the first step to passing the UNIBEN Post UTME examination.

The thing is that many students come to write the screening test with a fear of failure. They lack the confidence to succeed in the examination.

For one reason, these students believe they cannot pass the UNIBEN screening exam or gain admission to the University of Benin.

Without a positive mindset for success, you cannot prepare for your Post UTME examination to get a high score in the CBT exam.

You must think of yourself as a UNIBEN material. Never have the ideal you are a failure or not worthy of success.

Do you know why most students applying to study Medicine and Law perform excellently in the Post UTME exam?

These students have the mindset for success because they are applying for a competitive course.

I want you to, at this moment, reassure yourself and believe you can gain admission to the University of Benin (UNIBEN).

Let me know in the comment box at the end of this post if there is any reason why you think you cannot make it to UNIBEN. I will give you the best advice.

Determine Your Chances for Admission

woman sitting beside table reading book

Knowing your chances for admission before the Post UTME exam is necessary.

Many students applying to study at UNIBEN make the mistake of applying to study courses they have little or no chances of admission.

Some factors can hinder your chances for admission even if you get a perfect score in the UNIBEN Post UTME exams.

The two (2) determining factor in getting admission at UNIBEN is;

  • O’level Subject Combination
  • JAMB Score

O’level Subject Combination

Five (5) credits in relevant subjects in your WAEC or NECO results are essential for admission to study at UNIBEN.

For example, a student that wants to study Pharmacy at UNIBEN must have credit passes in the following O’level subject combination;

Let me know in the comment if you are unsure about your O’level (WAEC or NECO ) result for the course you want to study at UNIBEN.

JAMB Score

JAMB score determines whether or not you would get admission to study at the University of Benin.

In UNIBEN, your JAMB score accounts for 50% of your aggregate score.

It means that if you have a high JAMB score, you have a good chance of gaining admission to the school.

Applying for any competitive courses at UNIBEN would require a high JAMB score.

Tell me your JAMB score and the course you are applying to study at UNIBEN to know your chances of admission.

Study the JAMB Syllabus

Female colleagues collaborating with a surface in a board

The University of Benin uses the JAMB syllabus for the Post UTME examination.

All Universities in Nigeria use a syllabus for setting their exam questions in their screening exam.

The UNIBEN Post UTME syllabus lists topics you must study for the screening examination. It is a guide to knowing what to study for the exam.

You must read all the topics before the Post UTME exam to get a good score.

Over the years, students who perform excellently have always covered the syllabus.

See the UNIBEN Post UTME syllabus by clicking the button below;

Study JAMB Past Questions

man and woman looking at a laptop

The University of Benin (UNIBEN) uses the JAMB past questions for the Post UTME examination.

Contrary to what many students believe, UNIBEN does not set their Post UTME questions.

Instead, the school uses JAMB past questions for their question bank for the screening exam.

As a student preparing for the UNIBEN Post UTME, you must study JAMB past questions from 2000 till date; then, you can study for other lesser years.

I recommend you get a hard copy of the JAMB past questions and answers. You can also practice questions online on Myschool.

Get the UNIBEN Past Questions

online cbt test practice

To familiarise yourself with the examination format, you must get the UNIBEN past questions.

It would help to enhance your preparations and determine your readiness for the exam.

Do not make the mistake of trying to cram the past questions hoping to see a replica on the day of your exam.

I recommend you buy the hard copy of the UNIBEN past questions booklet than the softcopy.

Do not pay anyone online on Facebook or WhatsApp for the PDF of the UNIBEN past questions. It should be free of charge.

Stay Updated on UNIBEN News

get rid of distraction

Staying updated on UNIBEN news is the most effective strategy to gain admission to the University of Benin.

It is one thing to study for the UNIBEN exam and another to stay updated on information about the University and Post UTME exam.

As an aspirant, it is crucial to interact with UNIBEN and other aspirants like yourself.

Join UNIBEN Facebook and WhatsApp groups to stay updated on UNIBEN Post UTME news.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. I would love to assist you.

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170 thoughts on “How to Prepare and Pass UNIBEN Post UTME Examination 2025”

  1. This is my 0’level combination: maths, eng, civic, marketing, econs, govt, bio, chem and physics(cancelled). Is the combination suitable for accounting?
    I wanted to do science before, but I changed my mind.
    I got 302 in jamb and i want to attend uniben.

  2. Good morning.
    I want to study accounting in uniben and i got 302 in jamb.
    However, I’m unsure about my o’level subjects.
    I wrote: maths, eng, marketing, civic, govt, eco, chem, bio, and physics .
    My grades are good, tho my physics was cancelled.
    Do you think i can gain admission with my o’level combination?

    • Hello Osas,

      Your O’level is not suitable for Accounting at UNIBEN.

      Mathematics, English Language, Economics, and one other subject from Commerce, Geography, or Government are the subjects required to study Accounting at UNIBEN.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  3. Good evening pls I want to use DE to gain admission into uniben and they insist we write postude and I want to study Mechatronics
    Pls is Mechatronics accredited in uniben
    Secondly what score do I need to have in post ude for it and my ijmb result is yet to come out but i resgistered using awaiting DE result

  4. Please urgently. What if I had 250 and my first choice if course was Medicine while my second choice of study is Computer Science what is my chance?

  5. You said sitting for post utme is like sitting for jamb exam again but with fewer questions,(that’s same subject)
    My question now is; my subject combination for jamb is: English, maths, economics and accounting hoping for accounting(course) but the subject combination of the past questions am seeing is government in place of accounting.please SHOULD I PREPARE FOR ACCOUNTING OR GOVERNMENT, I want to study accounting

  6. Hi blessing, in I’m from delta state I scored 235 in jamb can I get admission into the faculty of law if my PUTME is high?

  7. Good morning sir, please sir what are the o’level subject combination needed to study banking and finance in uniben

    • Hello Victor,

      The O’level subject combination for Banking and Finance is Five (5)SSC credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Economics and two (2) other relevant subjects.

      JAMB subject combination is Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject and any other subject.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  8. Pls I had 213 in jamb and my course is political science do I have a chance?
    And i have jamb combination subject of English, literature,CRS and government and I didn’t write maths but Benin added public administration to my course so pls do I still have a chance of admission?

    • Yes, Miles

      You stand a chance if you get a high score in your Post UTME.

      The department is Political Science & Public Administration at UNIBEN. So, you have nothing to worry about.

      Also, your JAMB subject combination is correct.

      Let me know if you have further questions.

  9. Hi good morning
    I scored 225 in jamb,can i study nursing in uniben if i get a Putme score like 90 ?? is it not the aggregate that matters??

  10. Sir,I scored 237 in jamb nd I want to use a combined result for o level to study English and literature.
    Please I was told by someone that uniben doesn’t use o level scores to calculate aggregate score,please is it true?

  11. I hope you see this ?
    I want to study physiotherapy and i got 208 please what are my chances
    Because I’m really scared

  12. Good morning sir
    I scored 200 in jamb and I want to study electrical engineering….
    Please can I till scale through

  13. Hello Sir

    I had a jamb score of 246
    What are my chances of studying pharmacy in uniben?
    And what are my chances of studying pharmacy in a state school with that score?

      • Even if I get 80 and above in postutme??

        And please sir what other better course do you think I can opt for with my score?

        • Oromena,

          Sadly, it doesn’t work like that.

          Pharmacy is a competitive course at UNIBEN.

          Also, your JAMB score is low for Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography.

          Would you be willing to apply to Biological Science courses?

        • U will get it, your aggregate matters, if you score 80., then it gon be 70.5 as aggregate. U can get it, my friend odiase had an aggregate score of 66, and he got admitted to study pharmacy in uniben.
          Just prepare well for ur post utme

  14. Good morning pls I opted for computer science and I got 291 in jamb what should I score in Pume to gain admission
    And does UNIBEN has an age limit in giving admission

  15. Sir please I scored 297 in jamb what are my chances of studying medicine and surgery. I am also an indigene of Edo state

    • Blossom,

      You stand a chance for Medicine.

      It is your performance at the Post UTME that will determine if you get admission to Medicine.

      Your score would comfortable get you admission for Medicine and Surgery at a State University.

  16. I scored 286 in jamb and I want to go for med and surgery. Do I stand a chance or should I do a change of course to pharmacy pls advice. I have had 265 in jamb previously but was given biochemistry. Pls advice ?

  17. Good morning,
    I got 286 in jamb and I want to study medicine and surgery. I want to know what my chances are because I got 256 in jamb last year for the same course and was given biochemistry.
    I want to know your advice if I should buy change of course form to pharmacy

  18. Good morning, I scored 286 for jamb and I want to study med and surgery in Uniben. Pls what are my chances. Will you advise I buy change of course form to Pharmacy? Because last jamb I scored 265 for same course but I was given Biochemistry I declined and rewrote jamb again. Pls advice. Thanks.

  19. Does Direct Entry applicant need to write post UTME of Uniben?
    Is Uniben post UTME form out for sale?
    How can I get Uniben post UTME past questions?

  20. How do I get the update from UNIBEN on WhatsApp and if am writing my post utme must I go to UNIBEN to write it

  21. Good afternoon sir, I got 230 in Jamb and don’t know if it would be enough to study computer science in UNIBEN???

  22. I was supposed to study mass com but I switched to post science Bec I had an E in literature what chance do I have cause am not totally good in maths and economic (CALCULATION) And am afraid am going for uniben what will I do to get admission

  23. Sir I got 220 in jamb and I wanted to study Mass communication but I did change of course to estate management can I still be given admission


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